Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2021Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
4-H at the Fair
Author: Christina A. Martin
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts

The Russell Co. 4-H agent collaborated with the Russell Co. Jaycees to conduct youth programs and the Floral Hall exhibits for the 2020 COVID19 edition of the Russell County Fair. To ensure the fair was able to provide an avenue for residents to showcase their projects and to allow for youth livestock shows to continue, a three-day fair was held in late July. The 4-H agent was contacted by the fair manager in late June to begin working on providing these opportunities to youth and ad
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Communicating Virtually
Author: Jan Gibson
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
One of the programs that was interrupted by the pandemic shutdown, was the county's 4-H Communications event. While the Talk Meet is held in the Fall, the Demonstration training had just just gotten started when everything came to a standstill. Once it was verified that the state 4-H Communications event would be offered virtually, the county Talk Meet champions were contacted to see if they would video their speech at home and send a copy to be entered in the district competitio
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4-H Youth Expo Provides Project Work Evaluation During Pandemic
Author: Ryan Farley
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Developing an opportunity for youth to showcase their project work during the summer of 2020 provided a challenge during a global pandemic. Opportunities for youth to explore project work within the 4-H State Fair project catalog were limited to just what the 4-H youth and parent were able and willing to attempt. In response, Woodford County 4-H was able to provide a large quantity of 4-H project kits to the general public as a means to explore these areas of interest. In order to evaluate the p
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Author: Stephen Conrad
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
The COVID 19 pandemic has caused the cancelation of nearly all 4-H activities during the spring and summer of 2020. When word came down that the Boone County Fair was also being canceled, the Boone County 4-H Staff knew that something had to be done to preserve the county Cloverville activities and to provide a little normalcy to these unsettled times.We settled on a three evening format. Entries were taken the first evening. Judging and arranging was done during the second day
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kit results
Author: Paula Jerrell
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
During the COVID-19 situation of spring and summer of 2020, Ballard County 4-H provided 1149 project kits in the core curriculum categories. Eighty related to communications, 101 related to agriculture, 224 health related,117 family and consumer science,124 natural resources, 144 science, engineering and technology, 342 in expressive arts, and 30 in leadership. We reached at least 75 different families and many of them multiple times. We also reached some new minority families
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Pike 4-H Youth Learn Skills during the Pandemic
Author: Novella Froman
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Pike 4-H Youth Learn Skills during the PandemicMembers of the Pike County Extension Council identified the acquisition of skills as one of the needs for the citizens of Pike County. In response to the pandemic, our office made kits that utilized the Kentucky 4-H Curriculum in Communication and Fine Arts as well as Agriculture Booklets in its’ formation. 4-H youth in Pike County learned new skills through the production of 4-H Kids Kits. In all 3,345 kits were utilized by
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Author: Rebecca Hayes
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
I worked with the Cloverbud leader to start our Cloverbud program via Zoom. I worked with her to set up an informational session on September 28th and planned the meeting on October 12th. We had 12 youth sign in for the September meeting and we had 13 youth asked for grab and go packets for the October meeting.In September we learned the pledges, got to "see" each other and learned about kindness.For our October meeting, I put together and sent out "grab and go packets" that
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Whitley County 4-H Project Packs
Author: Lisa Jones
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
During this uncertain time pertaining to COVID-19, reaching the community in new ways has been challenging but not impossible. Whitley County 4-H has been focused on providing activities and projects to youth as well as adults. 4-H in Whitley County has partnered with other local businesses and schools to promote the programs that we offer. We made the library one of our pick-up spots where no contact pick-ups were available and following CDC guidelines for the safety of our community.
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4-H Offered Educational Grab and Go Packets to 4-H Families in Times of Need
Author: Lee Ann McCuiston
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
The Covid-19 pandemic presented a challenge for Extension programs all over the nation and Todd County Extension answererd the call by providing Educational and fun weekly grab and go packets to families. These packets were geared for the parent and child to work together and eat together at home which helped build this quality time and interaction where the parent was the teacher and the role model. Studies have shown links between quality parent time — such as reading to a ch
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4-H Project Kits
Author: Courtney Brock
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts

In March of 2020, the Lincoln County Extension Service began a transition to remote programming as closures from the Coronavirus pandemic loomed. In an effort to continue engaging youth in 4-H programming the 4-H Project Library was created. This included independent project work through grab & go project kits. Utilizing existing supplies, a 12-week program was created, focusing on different 4-H curriculum. Kits were available outside the main office doors and included in each bag was: UK Wa
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4-H Extends Education During Pandemic
Author: Julie Brown
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
The Pandemic of 2020 brought new challenges to 4-H Programming. In order to keep 4-H members engaged in project work, virtual programming was implemented. Over a 15 week time period, agents created take-home kits, pre-recorded videos and held zoom meetings to engage 4-H members to complete projects for the county fair. Participants were challenged with baking, photography, wood working, crochet and knitting, and acrylic painting to name just a few. Older teens were recruited to demonstrate many
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Jackson County 4-H Leatherwork Program
Author: Kim Angel
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts

As the COVID-19 pandemic persists, children across the country are facing social isolation. During this time, Jackson County 4-H provided a virtual beginner leather working program to educate 4-H’ers on leatherwork skills while they were at home. Each participant received a leatherwork kit with six projects, stamping tools, and finishing products. The 4-H Program volunteer leader used the Colorado State University leatherwork curriculum to teach proper leatherwork techniques and procedures
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"Holiday Crafts On The Go", More Than Busy Work
Author: Terence Clemons
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
The Covid 19 Pandemic has halted, slowed, or altered so many aspects of life, for everyone. In 2020, the Bath County 4-H overall program has been impacted like no other year. Club Work has gone to face to face to now virtually format. 2 Clubs have been halted due to the fact that they can't be performed unless in person and/or weather dictated. Bath County School District (4 schools) and Bath County 4-H collaboration hasn't happened for the 2020-2021 program, as of December. Meetings wit
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The 4-H Performing Arts Troupe Masters Civic Engagement
Author: Lee Ann McCuiston
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
The Todd County 4-H program was slowed to a crawl when Covid-19 hit, but quickly took a stand to continue valued programming for the youth of Todd County. One of the top 4-H programs in the county is the local 4-H Performing Arts Troupe for middle and high school youth. This troupe was patterned after the Kentucky 4-H Performing Arts Program. Todd County also has 4 members on the State 4-H Performing Arts Troupe. Research shows that children who sing/dance/act or play an instrum
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Continuing "Snag A Bags"
Author: Joyce Doyle
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts

Carroll County 4-H started the "Snag A Bag" program on March 28. 2020.On January 6, our 45th "Snag A Bag" was picked up. Every Wednesday 100 bags were put on the front porch of our Extension Building for pick up. By 11:30 A.M., they were picked up. I am going to put the flyer on for one of the most popular ones with a picture of a finished product and then I will post the chart of the statistics for the entire year. These "Snag A Bags&
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4-H Holiday Pick Up Projects
Author: Regina Browning
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Shelby County 4-H provided a 12 Days of Christmas themed pick up project for 4-H members to keep them engaged since face to face meetings were not possible due to the pandemic. The project kits provided twelve unique activities and written instructions including pictures to guide the 4-Her through the projects. The kits were assembled by the 4-H Agent and program assistants. 4-H Volunteers provided ideas for some of the activities included in the kits.There were educational com
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Volunteers and Youth paint Semi-Trailer to market Henderson County 4-H
Author: Alexandria Brasher
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
The Henderson County Parks Program asked a Henderson County 4-H Volunteer if 4-H Volunteers and youth would be willing to paint a blank slate white trailer to use a marketing piece for our local 4-H program. Three of our 4-H volunteers gather a small group of youth up and they took on the 18 foot trailer canvas. The youth and volunteers spent hours preparing, tracing, and painting. After weeks of prepping and painting the trailer was finished and will be a great asset in marketing 4-H to the com
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4-H Grab-N-Go Bags
Author: Katie Mills
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts

As Covid-19 continues, we are incorporating new ideas for youth to participate in 4-H and have a healthy outlet while staying healthy-at-home. Through the lessons, Hopkins County residence have had the opportunity to pick up Grab-N-Go bags that have educational kits for the youth to put together. Some involve working as a family, creativity, self-engagement, or hand-eye coordination. Examples of the projects are sock gnomes, pumpkin pie in a bag, building and decorating a snow
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4-H International Cultural Diversity Program
Author: Gary Druin
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
4-H Club International Cultural Diversity Day Culture is a broad term that encompasses beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and overall can be understood as our “way of being” and diversity is needed to change, grow, and innovate. 4-H fosters a welcoming environment where diversity is valued and individuals are encouraged to fulfill their greatest potential by integrating different ideas, beliefs and cultures. The learning of Cultural Diversity is important because our schoo
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4-H At Home
Author: Wade Raymer
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
When the COVID-19 global pandemic forced Kentuckians into quarantine youth and families began spending more time at home, minimizing opportunities for youth to engage in typical extracurricular activities. In order to keep Webster County 4-H members engaged in 4-H, At home projects were developed and implemented. The goal of the At Home projects was to maintain ways for youth and families to engage with 4-H projects, events and activities while learning new life skills through a
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4-H Virtual Programming
Author: Marla Stillwell
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
2020 was not the year anyone had planned for. The effects of the restrictions placed on our communities due to COVID-19 forced state and local Extension professionals to think outside the box in order to somehow continue programming by means of utilizing technology in ways that had never been done. The term ‘virtual’ became a buzzword almost overnight and encouraged many to begin altering traditional programs., such as art and photography. The Hardin County 4-H progr
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4-H and PAT making a difference
Author: Amy Branstetter
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Metcalfe County High School sophomore has found herself on stage all over the area, performing for a variety of organizations. That ever-growing list has included the Kentucky 4-H Performing Arts Troupe and Leadership Board for the past two years. It’s perhaps an unusual departure for a national organization with its roots steeped for decades in agriculture, but it is part of a new generation of 4-H activities designed to draw more youth to the organization. “When people think
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Agents Banded Together to Host Virtual 4-H Clubs
Author: Julia Wilson
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts

The pandemic of 2020 brought our entire nation to a screeching halt. Except for first responders, the United States and much of the world were on lock-down for much of the spring and summer. As summer turned into fall and the end of COVID-19 not in sight, a group of agents banded together to see how they could continue to meet the needs of their 4-H clientele. And thus, a new experiment of hosting district virtual 4-H clubs was born. This new concept extended the opportunity to learn high qualit
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4-H Communications Contest Making Mighty Impacts
Author: Shannon Farrell
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts

Spring of 2021 didn’t look much different from spring of 2020 as far as the challenges that were faced for Extension Agents and 4-H Staff working with schools and 4-Hers to deliver 4-H speeches because of COVID-19. The approach taken in Clark County was to host a county contest that was promoted to all teachers in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. The contest was set up over the course of 3 days, where participants could select a 20 minute time slot to arrive at the Extension Office, ha
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County Communications
Author: Rebecca Hayes
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Carter County 4-H had 12 youth complete 13 speech and demonstrations for 2021. This number is down from years, past but is surprisingly better than what was expected for it being a different format. The youth came to the Extension Office to complete their speech or demonstration in front of two judges and were recorded as the District and State competitions are going to be virtual again this year. All of the youth did amazing, and all but two will be moving forward to the District competition.
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4-H Book Club
Author: Madalyn Hale
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
In the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, while trying to get creative and find new ideas for programs to deliver to the youth in Fayette County, I developed a Book Club for our youth to participate in. I advertised in our Newsletter, as well as on our Facebook page. There was a registration to be added to the club list on Qualtrics and 12 youth registered. This first round of book club, we read 'The One and Only Ivan' by Katherine Applegate. I was able to provide each youth with the
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Classrooms and Communications
Author: David Gabbard
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Being able to communicate face-to-face is starting to seem like a skill that is being lost by today’s youth since technology and social media are becoming second nature to most people. In February, the Owen County Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development contacted the Owen County School system to work in partnership with one 7th grade class on how to prepare, draft, and present a speech. The Owen County Agent for 4-H Youth Development shared information about the annual contest for
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4-H Virtual Art Club Provides Virtual Learning Experience
Author: Ryan Farley
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Providing positive youth development experiences in-spite of the restrictions because of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially those featuring more hands-on activities, provided a worthy challenge for the 2020-2021 4-H programming year. One response to this challenge was the 4-H Virtual Art Club Woodford County 4-H provided for any 4-H-aged youth from November to April. 6-13 participants met once a month and each meeting featured a different 4-H art project from the Kentucky 4-H State Fair project c
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4-H & Senior Special Boxes
Author: Tracie Goodman
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
During the COVID-19 pandemic, McCreary County Extension assembled three Holiday boxes (4-H Camp Box, 4-H Fall Box, and 4-H & Senior Christmas Box) and correlating social media videos for all 4-H age kids in McCreary County. These boxes contained a variety of projects and materials which championed at-home learning for youth, adults, and families to help during the crisis. Our projects have highlighted programs and lessons from 4-H, Agriculture, and Family & Consumer Sciences including: w
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Jefferson County 4-H Book Clubs
Author: Chanda Hall
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
To increase reading and critical thinking skills, the Jefferson County 4-H Program decided to develop virtual book clubs for the youth in the county. In partnership with the Jefferson County Public Library, the county is now offering 3 different interactive book clubs for Clover Bud, 4th & 5th Graders and Middle/High School Students. The public library recommends and allow the 4-H program to check out books as a classroom set. Students within the county sign up for each mon
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Book Clubs
Author: Barbara Hudgell
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
In September 2020 we decided to begin virtual book clubs. A porch pick up is scheduled and the registered participants pick up their boxes with the book and supplies for activities and surprises that enhance their reading experience. As of the end of April we have had 18 different books for 3 age groups. Cloverbuds, 4th & 5th graders, and Middle/High School have had books chosen for their ages. Activities have included cooking, quilt square, terrarium, upcycling, science experiments & mi
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Singing Stardom
Author: Brittany Osborne
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts

In her early teen years, Mandy Moore started singing “The Star Spangled Banner” at various sports events in her Floridian hometown, earning her the nickname “The National Anthem Girl." According to her own personal testament, this is how Moore was discovered and signed a record deal at age 15. Gabrielle Copeland is a 4-H member at the McCracken County Cooperative Extension Service in Paducah, Kentucky. She began singing at the age of 2 and she has never lost her love
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Expressive Arts Goes Virtual
Author: Toni Humble
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Even with virtual club meetings, expressive arts was still a popular in Wayne County. Meetings were held monthly with hands on activities. Students in grades 4-8 displayed a variety of projects in our first 4-H Art Gallery. As a way to promote the arts in this time of virtual learning, this event provided the students an opportunity while at home to create items from one of several categories in our 4-H Arts and Trends divisions, which include drawing, sculpting, mixed media and upcycling.
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Communication Skills Lead to Success
Author: Paul Adkins
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
As outlined in the county plan of work, the Bullitt County Cooperative Extension Service supports improving communication skills of youth and adults in Bullitt County. The Bullitt County Cooperative Extension Service’s 4-H Youth Development program provides communications education through 4-H school enrichment, school clubs, and other areas of programming to establish or enhance necessary communication skills that develop college and career ready youth in Kentucky. Strong writing, re
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4-H Art Project Day
Author: Madison McAlmond
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts

Hearing the laughter of 4-H'ers and seeing their eyes light up as they learn a new skill is the very best part of being a 4-H Agent, and sadly it has been too long since we were able to gather in person for this to happen. I partnered with the Nicholas County Public Library to utilize their brand new meeting room in their new facility to be able to be socially distant and learn a new skill. Our Art Club leader taught water color and acrylic paintings. Six 4-H'ers learned and put their kn
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4-H'ers advance in Communications events
Author: Sherri Farley
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Providing youth with the ability to enhance and develop communication skills is of great importance in Kentucky. The development of communication skills is one of the preeminent skills necessary to grow as an individual, a community member, and a leader. Using age appropriate activities selected from the approved Kentucky 4-H Communications & Expressive Arts curriculum, educators can maximize the ability of youth to develop their writing, reading, and personal communication capacities. This
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Author: Samantha Saunders
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
During the COVID Pandemic, it was impossible for us to have any sort of in-person programming. This was a necessary action, but was detrimental to our program as a whole and the programs we offer throughout the summer. With the turn of a new year, there was hope for 2021 and the many 4-H programs we would be able to offer. Some of the programs that seem to have a great impact is the day camps we offer throughout the summer. These day camps have consisted of both 4-H and Cloverbud activities.&nbs
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Kentucky 4-H Virtual Ukulele Club Makes a Difference
Author: Jennifer Tackett
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Research shows that music education equips youth with foundational skills to learn, bolsters youth engagement and achievement, and develops abilities essential for lifelong success (Music Matters: How Music Education Helps Students Learn, Achieve and Succeed, Denver, CO, May, 2018).4-H youth development specialist in the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service facilitated a virtual ukulele club to provide music appreciation and education to young people who were isolated and n
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4-H Camp Expressive Arts
Author: Gary Druin
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
The best gift we can give our youth is to empower them with skills that will last for a lifetime, which is why parents have been sending their kids to 4-H summer camps for decades. 4-H is grounded in a deliberate, research-backed development and delivery model, which means at 4-H camp, kids learn critical life skills like resilience and independence. If we want our kids to be able to bounce back from adversity, stress, challenges, and failures, teaching them resilience
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Preparing Students for the Workforce
Author: Laura Huffman
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
The Hart County 4-H Program and the Hart County Chamber of Commerce collaborated with the Hart County School System to offer a Work Readiness Day for all high school juniors to better prepare students for the workforce. This year due to COVID 19 restrictions, the Work Readiness Day was offered virtually with speakers videoing their presentations and mock interviews completed via zoom. For the industry tours we worked with a video company and the industry to also create digital media
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Hear Me
Author: James Cecil
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
This was a challenging year for Clinton County 4-H like all other counties with schools going and then not going, with some 4-H Youth not going to school but doing it virtually and the restrictions of being able to visit with our school district. We made several plans to be in the school and then school would be cancelled for short time frame and then we would have to start all over again. We had 340 Clinton County 4-Hers do speeches this year. We feel that this is a wonderful
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County Fairs are important part of 4-H Youth Development
Author: Ola Donahue
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Young people want to be engaged in positive activity that helps them develop a sense of responsibility and build self-esteem. The Kenton County Fair is a successful learning opportunity that enhances youth development using a hands-on approach. Kenton County Extension is committed to continued 4-H member participation in our Fair because of the opportunities to: • Extend each 4-H member’s (and volunteer’s) learning opportunities related to the specific project and development/en
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Communications Continuing
Author: Jan Gibson
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
While the covid restrictions on in-person 4-H events continued, the county 4-H Communications opportunities did not. Utilizing the schools' Google Classroom tool, agent was able to work with youth interested in competing in both demonstrations and talk meet again this year. Some of the youth who participated in the last Fall-Spring event, served as leaders in getting youth new to the contests more comfortable. As a result, there were nine county champion videos sent to dist
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Encouragement and Inspiration
Author: Paula Tarry
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Encouragement and Inspiration When this 4-H Youth Development Agent transferred to Barren County, she inherited an energetic group of 4-H Teens, always willing to take on new challenges. They all worked very hard on their 4-H projects, especially one teen who loved to cook and serve at 4-H and community functions. She was shy and often afraid to step out of her comfort zone like at 4-H Communications Night. She was great at conversation but did not like public speaking. The Barre
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Estill County 4-H Fair Project Series
Author: Taylor Miles
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, 4-H programs across the state had to be held in a virtual format. We knew that with this, program participation may be down due to youth being tired of doing anything with a computer. The “Zoom Gloom” as the youth call it, was something we had to battle in order to reach and help youth be engaged in our programming. A fun alternative Estill County 4-H came up with was a 4-H Project Fair Series. In this series, youth would have the
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You're HIRED!
Author: Rebecca Stahler
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Being hired for a highly desired job is many young adults’ dream. The competition for professional positions is fierce and sometimes the tiniest detail will land the job. Yet, without good communication skills interviewees will not have a chance. Boyd County 4-H recognizes the importance of communications skills. Communication projects, leadership roles in clubs, membership of councils are some of the opportunities that are offered to 4-H members during his or her 4-
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Mock Interviews Raise Awareness of Self
Author: Brittany Osborne
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Bi-monthly educational programming with a focus in communication and workforce prep was taught in a county middle school this year. Classes were led in a collaboration with the Career Pathways Teacher at the school and the Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development in McCracken County. Topics were planned and implemented during class time in the Spring semester to merge together the importance of learning overarching communication skills, impromptu speaking, self-discovery and personality types.
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Jefferson County 4-H Book Clubs
Author: Kelly Smith
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
To increase reading and critical thinking skills, the Jefferson County 4-H Program decided to develop virtual book clubs for the youth in the county. In partnership with the Jefferson County Public Library, the county is now offering 3 different interactive book clubs for Clover Bud, 4th & 5th Graders and Middle/High School Students. The public library recommends and allow the 4-H program to check out books as a classroom set. Students within the county sign up for ea
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