Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2020Jul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020
Farmers' Market Takes Root in Community
Author: Lindie Huffman
Major Program: Farmer's Markets

farmers’ market takes root in communitypcfm is much more than just corn and tomatoes… Pendleton County has long since celebrated its rich agricultural heritage. Farmers have been an integral thread of the fabric that makes up our small town community. The Pendleton County Farmers’ Market (PCFM) is a place for many of those farmers to gather to support the local food economy and support entrepreneurship. Established in the 1980’s the PCFM has seen fluctuation in
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Lunch at the Market 2019
Author: Reed Graham
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
According to the USDA, fruit and vegetable consumption has fallen from 299 pounds per person in 2003 to 272 pounds per person in 2013. Although community members understand the importance of consuming more fruits and vegetables, access can be difficult. The Breathitt County Farmers Market is an excellent resource for attaining fresh local produce.Breathitt County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources, in partnership with county Extension Agents and staff, Robinson Center for Appa
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Perry County Farmer's Market
Author: Charles May
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
The Perry County Farmer’s Market is in its’ fifteenth season. 2019 has been another successful market season. Final accounting is not available but numbers through September show an increase in gross market sales over the 2018 season which was $61,000. Goals for the market is to increase market sales by 20% at the end of the 2020 season.The market participates in the Senior Voucher Program and WIC, and through a Community Farm Alliance Grant, participates in
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Farmers Market
Author: Roger Mollette
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
Martin County has 12,500 residents while 37% live below poverty level with a median income of only $22,497.00. Residents of the county have a need for fresh fruits and vegetables at an affordable price. The Martin County Extension Service worked cooperatively with the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Martin County Health Department and Martin County Senior Citizens Center to distribute WIC vouchers to 150 WIC recipients and Senior vouchers to 80 Senior Citizens. These vouchers could be redee
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Spencer County Farm to Table Event
Author: Bryce Roberts
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
Purchasing locally produced items continues to gain momentum and the Spencer County Cooperative Extension Service hosted our seventh annual Farm to Table Meal in September 2019 to highlight that healthy meals can be produced solely by products grown in Spencer County. A committee made of members of all of the Extension Program councils worked with a well-known local chef and members of the Taylorsville Farmers Market to plan and host a 4 course Italian dinner. All of the food prepare
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The Riverview Farmers’ Market Proudly Presents A Farm to Table Dinner in Historical Ghent
Author: Christin Herbst
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
In the last twenty years since the 1998 Tobacco Settlement Agreement, Carroll County farmers have been required to diversify their farming operations into agricultural enterprises that will be successful for them into the future. One route farmers took was focused on growing produce and meat, as well as developing a vegetable, fruit, and meat market for the community. The Riverview Farmer’s Market was established in 2004, and in the 2019 season, there were twelve vendors (inclu
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Hatfield / McCoy Heritage Days
Author: Deborah Stumbo
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
The Pikeville Farmers Market sponsored "Hatfield McCoy days" at the Farmers Market. It has been a repeated success for 3 years in a row. Market worked closely with City and County Tourism offices to Feature not only local food, produce, and dinner for tour busses, but as an emphasis for our local crafters. Our local FM rules are suspended for the Crafters. For this project we accept all local crafters whether they have been juried in or not, as a way to emphasiz
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Farmers’ Market Members Achieve Successful Seasons
Author: Annette Heisdorffer
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
A farmers’ market provides a community with locally grown fruits, vegetables, meats, and other value-added products. A market also provides the consumer direct access to the producer to learn more about the products for sale. In addition, a market provides a gathering place for the community.The goal of the members of the Owensboro Regional Famers’ Market was to build a permanent facility under cover to make it easier for customers to shop out of the elements. The Daviess County Coop
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Kentucky Farms, Kentucky Flavor (KYF2) Continues to Increase Farmers Market Sales
Author: Kristin Hildabrand
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
The Kentucky Farms, Kentucky Flavor (KYF2) Project is funded by the USDA Specialty Crop Grant in partnership with SOKY Marketplace in downtown Bowling Green, KY. The goal of the project is to increase the sale and consumption of specialty crops in South Central Kentucky. Promotional and educational videos were developed highlighting farmers, where to access their crops, and how to incorporate them into healthy meals.Each farm highlighted including Jackson’s Orchard, Van Buren’s
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Farmers' Market USDA Grant
Author: Kara Back-Campbell
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
The Taylor County Farmers' Market recently received a USDA small business promotion grant to use toward the famers' market in Taylor County. In cooperation with the health department and the extension office the market is working toward a revitalization. Increasing interest within the market throughout the community by increased advertisement on radio paper and social media. While also, providing opportunities for vendors to utilize free advertisement, resources provided by the market, e
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Increasing Access to Nuturious Foods
Author: Janey Cline
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
Diversification of Hart County Agriculture has been identified as a major area for program efforts. Extension has worked for many years to help producers identify and take advantage of opportunities in diversified agricultural enterprises. We have assisted growers in developing markets for vegetable crops and have done extensive work in vegetable production. During the 2019 season Extension played a major role in finding funds for a Market Manager, establishing a Farmers Market in Horse Cave and
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Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program
Author: Bonnie Sigmon
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
According to the 2018 census conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, Laurel County’s population now exceeds 60,000 individuals. The census also revealed that Laurel County has a poverty rate of 23.2%, which is higher than Kentucky’s overall poverty rate of 18.2%. Additionally, studies conducted by Feeding America indicated that 15.9% of Laurel County residents are food insecure, with 11.7% of the population being over age 65 and living below the poverty rate. To addres
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Tailgating 101
Author: Rita Stewart
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
This fall, the Lincoln County Cooperative Extension Service planned and conducted the new Tailgating 101 program. This program was a joint effort of the Lincoln County Extension Office, the Lincoln County Farmers Market, and the Lincoln County Cattlemen’s Association members. Goals for this program included increasing participation in the local Farmers Market and increasing the use of locally grown fresh vegetables, fruits, and meat in our recipes, while having fun tailgating with fr
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Farmers Market Sales Increase with Kentucky Double Dollars Program
Author: Lori Bowling
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
The farmers market in Boyd County has existed for 40 years offering fresh locally grown produce to the residents of Boyd County and surrounding counties. In 2017 the market total sales $106,159, for cash and senior and wic farmers market nutrition program vouchers. In 2018 there were 5 new farmers to join the market offering even more of a variety of products for consumers including locally raised beef, chicken, eggs, flowers and value added items such as jams, jellies, syrup and mor
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Value-Added Adds Profit
Author: Sharon Flynt
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
According to the National Sustainable Agriculture coalition, small-scale entrepreneurship creating and marketing value-added products has the potential to enhance economic development in communities. However, for small- scale entrepreneurship to work, it takes being open to new learning opportunities. A vendor in the Scott Co. Farmers market had a business selling wooden cased ink pens he made himself and his wife knitted and crocheted items to sell as well. Their business was modest
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Rockcastle Farmers Market
Author: Garrard Coffey
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
According to CEDIK data, 249 Rockcastle County Farms produce on less than 50 acres of land and 2% of crops grown in the county are fruits and vegetables. There are only 2 grocery stores in the county which creates a perfect market for farmers to sell fresh produce to local consumers. Because of this need, the Rockcastle County Farmer’s Market and others have saw opportunity for growth.This past market season, there were 8 total vendors who sold a total of $27,284. This is money that stays
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Farmers Market
Author: Paul Sizemore
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
Tobacco was the primary income for farmers in this area for many years and since the buyout from the Tobacco Companies in 2001 it has been a struggle for farmers to replace it. Farmers quickly realized that they had to start producing something else to sustain their operations and for many the answer was Vegetable Production. It was obvious that the farmers had a good grasp on production but the problem seem to be in Marketing because that was something they had not had to do in Tobacco Producti
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Farmers Market--WIC/SR Voucher/Double Dollars/Farmacy program
Author: Deborah Stumbo
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
Pike County ANR --Success Story April 2020Suzanne Stumbo, ANR AgentPikeville Farmers Market—WIC/SR Vouchers, Double Dollar, & Farmacy Programs.Pike County has a high percentage of people that are classified as a victim of “Poverty”. Because of this, we have a much higher percentage of people with health problems due to poor diets (obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and many other health problems). This along with the fact that the majo
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LaRue County Farmers Market
Author: Daniel Carpenter
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
Our LaRue County Farmers Market has struggled throughout the years due to the proximity of other strong Farmers Markets. This was our first year to set up in the LaRue County High School parking lot which was closer to high traffic areas, the school's summer feeding program site, and the high schools aquaponic greenhouse which will be selling lettuce in the market in 2021. We have continued to increase access to, and the amount of, locally produced foods based on sales, number of vendors, nu
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Cadiz/Trigg County Farmers Market
Author: Cecelia Hostilo
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
According to statistics gathered from the Kentucky Extension Community Assessment Report for Trigg County, the food insecurity rate is 13.6%. Many in the county depend upon the local market for access to fresh fruits and vegetables, so it was important that the Farmers Market be able to open safely. The market traditionally opens the first Saturday of April and is open every Wednesday and Saturday through October. With the COVId-19 restrictions and health risks the Market Manag
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Small Town Farmers Market of the Future
Author: Shane Bogle
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
The demand for locally grown fresh produce has increased exponentially over the last few years. With the success of the KY Proud initiative, local Farmers Markets have become the catalyst to provide safe, fresh and nutritious produce to communities across the state. The Caldwell County Extension Service in collaboration with multiple partners including the Caldwell county Farmers Market, County government, City government, and Farmers Market supporters hosted two Farm to Table Dinner
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COVID-19 Farmers Market Vendor Guide for ELL Market Vendors
Author: Bethany Pratt
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
In order to support English-Language Learning (ELL) Farmers Market Vendors, the Jefferson County Horticulture Agent partnered with the University of Kentucky Center for Crop Diversity (CCD) and CommonEarth Gardens to adapt the COVID-19 Farmers Market training from CCD to make it accessible for the ELL Farmers.The CCD took the lead in developing several webinars about changes to farmers markets during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Hort Agent and members of CommonEarth Gardens attended these webinars
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New Farmers Market Pavilion in Pulaski County
Author: Bethany Wilson
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
Pulaski County has had two farmers markets for 16 years yet neither has a pavilion or structure to protect them and their customers from the weather. In February 2019, four farmers and the Pulaski County Horticulture Agent met with the new Somerset mayor, the community development specialist, and the County Judge Executive. The city agreed to build the structure using grant monies available from the Governor’s Office of Agricultural Policy (GOAP). &nbs
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Elliott County Farmers Market Plate it Up Kentucky Proud
Author: Keith Center
Major Program: Farmer's Markets

The Elliott County Farmers’ Market is well frequented by shoppers hungry for fresh and local produce in the summer months. In an effort to fill the void of the vacant Family and Consumer Sciences Agent position, summer intern Alyssa Cox set up at the market several times throughout the summer. She used venue to inform the community about proper nutrition, cooking methods, and financially smart shopping practices. To draw people in, she handed out samples of Plate it Up Kentucky Proud recip
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Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
Author: Kendyl Redding
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
In 2019, the Farmers’ Market had an increase of 14 new vendors, making a total of 18 vendors at the market. We have two locations in the county and they are set up almost every day of the week between the two of them. The Powell County Farmers’ Market participates in the Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program through the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. In 2019, the Extension office issued about 300 voucher booklets which amount to about $9,000 in senior benefits to b
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Farmer's Market Orientation
Author: Alexis Amorese Sheffield
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
In an effort to improve vendor membership and success rate at the Boyle Co. Farmer’s Market, the Boyle Co. Horticulture Agent worked with the Farmer’s Market Board and Center for Crop Diversification at the University of KY to develop an orientation training for those interested in selling in the 2020 market year. Topics included: Info on market dates. How to fill out an application and pay dues. How to
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Farmers Market Customer Appreciation Event
Author: Gary Hamilton
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
The Farmers' Market provides an economic benefit and healthy nutritional role to the citizens of Mt. Sterling and Montgomery County. To help show it's customers how much they are appreciated, the Farmers Market Executive Board with the help of the Extension Service, organized a very successful Customer Appreciation Event held at the brand new Farmers’ Market Pavilion in downtown Mt. Sterling. The event included: Food, Educational Demonstrations, Displays, Health Screenings and Door
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Farmers Market during Covid 19
Author: Mary McCarty
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
The Menifee County Farmers Market started planning their 2020 Market Season long before we heard the words Covid 19. Opening date was set for the earliest it had ever been, Mid May. With Covid 19 creating havoc in the state of Kentucky a plan went into place to make sure that the market was safe for the vendors as well as the consumers. Market leadership contacted the local health department and local officials to have a special egg sale early in April as well as plan to open t
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Children’s Farmer’s Market Day
Author: Gregory Comer
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
The poor health & wellness of youth in Kentucky, is a growing epidemic. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Kentucky’s youth have the fifth highest obesity rate in the U.S. Children who are obese, are more likely to be obese as adults, thus, they are at increased risk for heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancer and osteoarthristis. To combat this problem, the Ohio County Cooperative Extension Service, Ohio County H
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Webster County Farm to Fork
Author: Vicki Shadrick
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
The Kentucky Proud Farm to Fork program increases awareness of buying local while teaming up with a local charitable organization. The events highlight local farmers, Kentucky Proud farm products and local chefs while raising money for a local approved organization.The Webster County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Webster County Farmers’ market, local producers, Kentucky Department of Agriculture and volunteers came together to plan and implement the first Web
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SOKY Marketplace
Author: Kristin Hildabrand
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
The SoKY Marketplace, Warren County Fiscal Court, Warren County Cooperative Extension Office, and other community partners are working together to promote agriculturally related businesses, create jobs, improve access to healthy locally grown specialty crop commodities, and provide educational classes to strengthen the regional food economy of Southcentral Kentucky. These organizations have worked together to successfully launch a downtown weekend farmers market, weekday consignment farmers mark
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Summer at the Farmers Market is "Just Peachy"!
Author: Mattea Mitchell
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
The Hickman County Farmers Market is a newer addition to the community. The Hickman County Extension Office staff continues to offer programs at the market, and educate the public on the importance of shopping local and supporting the local producers. In order to celebrate peach season in Hickman County, the Just Peachy program was scheduled for July 13th, 2019. For this program, we partnered with the Four River Counties Early Childhood Council, KAPS Family Resource Center, Hickman County M
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Hardin County Farmers' Market Wins "Best Of" Second Year in a Row
Author: Dayna Fentress
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
For the past three years, the Family and Consumer Sciences Program has aimed to increase the volume and awareness of the Hardin County Farmers' Market. By offering child and adult programs at the market and taking over their social media advertising, the FCS agent and the Farmers' Market board have worked to increase fruit and vegetable intake of Hardin County residents while also promoting the local food system. The market has seen steady and continued growth for the past two summers, w
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Lebanon, KY Farmers Market
Author: Christan Miracle
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
The Lebanon, KY Farmers Market is located in the heart of Central KY. The market has had on average 5 steady vendors for the last few years and has done well considering the low vendor turn out. This year the market has turned over a new leaf with both the amount of active vendors and increasing customer base. The COVID-19 Pandemic has helped sales tremendously at the market. Although that is not the only factor increasing sales. New and improved marketing at given the market a huge boost as wel
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