Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2019Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019
Chickens 'Hoop' for Joy
Author: Kevin Gurtowski
Major Program: Local Food Systems
I have been working with a small scale producer in eastern Kentucky that producers a little bit of everything. One particular project that we have been working on involves creating chicken 'hoop' tunnels around his garden to repel pests, keep garden waste to a minimum and allow his chickens a place to walk around but still safe from potential predators. He plans to use the chickens to produce eggs that will be sold at the local farmer's market, increasing the variety of products curr
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Great Agriculture Adventure
Author: Linda Hieneman
Major Program: Local Food Systems
In Greenup County at least one or more generations is removed from the family farm. Today’s children go to the grocery store with their parents to purchase food. The connection of how the food is grown or produced is lost. This need is why Greenup County Extension Service and Farm Bureau believes it is necessary for individuals, both young and old, to understand the importance of Agriculture. Education is the key to bridging the gap between farmer and consumer. Greenup County Extensi
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Farm to Fork: Educating consumers about locally grown food
Author: John Fourqurean
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The McLean County Cooperative Extension Service hosted a Farm to Fork Dinner to recognize and promote the importance of locally grown food. Farm to Fork is a food system in which food production, processing, distribution, and consumption are integrated to enhance the environmental, economic, social and nutritional health of a particular place. The Cooperative Extension Service worked alongside of the local Farmers Market and other vendors as well as other volunteers to raise money for a local ch
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Commercial Kitchen Opens
Author: Shad Baker
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Commercial Kitchens are a way to expand market opportunities for Kentucky farmers. And while this approach has found marginal success in other counties, the newest such kitchen has a unique angle. Letcher County's Community Agricultural & Nutritional Enterprises (CANE), Inc. is tied closely to the healthcare industry, in fact it was created through a partnership between Mountain Comprehensive Health Corporation (MCHC), Letcher Co. Extension, GROW Appalachia, and local producers. This par
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Kentucky Farms, Kentucky Flavor
Author: Joanna Coles
Major Program: Local Food Systems
A 3rd season of the Kentucky Farms, Kentucky Flavor (KYF2) Project was funded by the USDA Specialty Crop Grant in partnership with SOKY Marketplace. The goal of the project is to increase the sale and consumption of specialty crops in South Central Kentucky. Promotional and educational videos were developed highlighting farmers, where to access crops and how to incorporate them into healthy meals. The videos were included in the following platforms.2 Farm and Home Shows, WBKO-13 Television: 
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Syrup Collaboration
Author: Kevin Gurtowski
Major Program: Local Food Systems

Jeremy Sandifer and Kevin Gurtowski recently participated as speakers and demonstrators in the Southern Syrup Research Symposium (SSRS) in Summersville, WV. The Symposium brought together researchers, extension personnel, and producers working in the production of maple and other syrups, to discuss operational issues and to share their knowledge about the syrup industry in general. The panel discussions focused on specific topics, including challenges and opportunities, facing the syrup industry
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"Farm to Table" Container Garden & Nutrition Education
Author: Leann Martin
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Locally grown fruits and vegetables are not only healthier, they are also much fresher than produce bought from a grocery store. Even thou the idea of local foods is easy to understand, limited resources and limiting budgets tend to hinder the practice of consuming them. The concept of “Farm to Table” is based on the idea of knowing exactly where the food you eat comes from or growing food for yourself. The Agriculture Extension Agent and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Edu
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Focus on the Farm Field Day
Author: Chris Ammerman
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Vertical integration has caused turmoil across the dairy industry in Kentucky all the while the onslaught continues in attacks on animal agriculture both creating large amount of scrutiny among consumers in the grocery store aisle. Distraught family farmers in empty barns and images of animal abuse have shared across social media platforms painting the all aspects of animal agriculture in a bad light.The Grant County Farm Bureau Federation and the Grant County Extension Service partnered t
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Urban Farmer Relay Cropping Pilot Program
Author: Leigh Whittinghill
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Food security is a major concern, not only in developing nations, but in the United States as well. Map the Meal Gap 2018 reports that 15.5% of Kentucky’s population is food insecure, which is higher than the national average of 12.9%. 57 of the 120 counties in Kentucky have food insecurity rates higher than the state average. Individuals in food insecure areas may find it especially hard to travel farther to purchase healthy food if they live in a food desert. A fo
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County Field Day
Author: Philip Konopka
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The Lewis County Field Day was set up and planed by the Lewis County Agriculture Council and Lewis County ANR Agent. It was held on a local farm in the county. At the event local farmers learned about Goat as a profitable income, how to properly calibrate their sprayers, how a drone could be used on the farm. Several local businesses set up at the event to let farmers see what is available to them. The local health department and local doctors set up to give farmers free flu shots, blood pressur
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Pumpkin Days Continues to Offer Youth Unique Farm to Fork Experience
Author: Courtney Jenkins
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Children living in Breathitt and surrounding counties served by UK’s Robinson Center (RCARS) rank at the absolute bottom of the Robert Woods Johnson County Health Rankings for overall health outcomes. (Breathitt #120, Wolfe #119, Owsley #118, Leslie #117, Perry #116. 2018 data). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention list childhood obesity as a contributing factor to many health issues. The CDC states that one way to combat childhood obesity is to consume a diet high in vegetables
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Farmers Feast
Author: Bonnie Sigmon
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The Laurel County Farmers Market, the City of London and the Laurel County Extension Office held the 3rd annual Farmers Feast Dinner which benefited the Laurel County God's Pantry. Farmers Feast program entailed a dinner where all ingredients were locally sourced. The dinner was an exclusive ticketed event held at the farmers market with half the proceeds going to charity. The tickets were $20 a person and 200 tickets were sold. The Laurel County Cattleman and ANR agent prep
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Farmers Feast
Author: Victor Williams
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The Laurel County Farmers Market, the City of London and the Laurel County Extension Office held the 3rd annual Farmers Feast Dinner which benefited the Laurel County God's Pantry. Farmers Feast program entailed a dinner where all ingredients were locally sourced. The dinner was an exclusive ticketed event held at the farmers market with half the proceeds going to charity. The tickets were $20 a person and 200 tickets were sold. The Laurel County Cattleman and ANR agent prep
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Local Hands Local Food Local Hearts Community Meal
Author: Chris Ammerman
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Individual life choices have moved demand for locally grown fresh produce, meat and eggs. Ventures such as KY Proud and HomeGrown by Heros have shifted the consumers focus away from the grocery store and toward the farm stand. Local farmers markets have become the consumer’s choice to provide safe, fresh and nutritious food for communities across the state, and Grant County is experiencing this trend as well.A farm to table dinner was planned as an effort to further raise awareness o
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Maple Season in Kentucky
Author: Kevin Gurtowski
Major Program: Local Food Systems

As the new year begins and the winter sets in, folks in eastern Kentucky start to stir about about their farms. Everybody has been double checking their orders and organizing their supplies. Some are drawing out new lines and putting in connectors, making sure there aren't any sagging sections of tubing. Others are doing last minute tests on new equipment recently installed but untested in production. They are preparing their sugar shack and sugar bushes for the coming weeks, its maple seaso
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Farm Family Night
Author: Tad Campbell
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Realizing the limitation of educational based events geared for entire family involvement, the Extension Services in Kentucky and Ohio along with Maysville Community and Technical College partnered to develop and implement Farm Family Night, a program offering over 30 educational sessions to all segments of the family. Over 700 members of agriculture families attended educational sessions during the evening due to sponsorship by Farm Credit Services, Hinton Mills, Rip’s Farm Center, Meadow
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Assisting Kenton County Farmers to Increase Revenue
Author: Daniel Allen
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The Kenton County Agriculture Leadership Class of 2018 determined that marketing locally grown agriculture products is a hurdle for most farm-to-consumer operations. During the 2018 class the participants did a preliminary study to determine exactly what they would need to create a publicity and marketing strategy to potentially increase sales off their farms. The Agriculture Extension Agent acted as facilitator of all aspects of this publicity campaign. The Agriculture Agent e
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Deer Processing
Author: Heather Graham
Major Program: Local Food Systems
A local hunter had approached the Extension Office about how to properly field dress and process a harvested deer. After talking with others in the community, it was determined that there would be an interest in having a class taught by Dr. Gregg Rentfrow from the UK Meats Lab. The class was held during bow season in November, but just before modern gun season. We worked closely with the hunter that inquired about the class to obtain a "fresh" deer, but he was unable to harvest a deer.
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Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Author: Ted Johnson
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables are very low in Lee County Kentucky. We rank at the bottom of most all health statistics for the state of Kentucky. We at the Lee County Extension Service have placed major program emphases on gardening and producing their own fresh fruits and vegetables. Five years ago we constructed a demonstration raised bed garden. This program was developed to address the need for our citizens to consume more fresh fruits and vegetables. Over the past 5 years we ha
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Food Chain Under Survey
Author: Robert Smith
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Focus is an acronym for Food Chain under Survey and was developed to provide an in-depth look at the food production and their pricing influences. Our audience is a small group of well qualified high school juniors that are very interested in agriculture business and production. During this series of classes, we will expose the young adults to how different businesses are structured, how pricing is affected by inputs and how we get food from farm to table in all population densities.
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Garden to Food Bank in Clark County
Author: David Davis
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Choosing to consume fresh fruits and vegetables is one of the best decisions for an individual’s health. However, fresh fruits and vegetables are relatively expensive, keeping some families in Clark County from being able to choose to purchase them. This is especially the case for some families that struggle meeting basic living needs because of a limited income. Many Clark County residents struggle to even provide these basic necessities for their families. In 2019
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Breakfast on the Farm
Author: Corinne Belton
Major Program: Local Food Systems
With over 1500 farms generating more than $72 million in agriculture receipts, Shelby County agriculture is a viable and thriving component of the local economy. However, members of the Horticulture and Agriculture Advisory Council (HAAC) have identified a growing farm-to-city disconnect, even in our rural Shelby County setting. For the past several years, HAAC efforts have included a focus on bridging the gap and educating local citizens about our agriculture heritage. A newly-devel
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Country Ham Project
Author: Ted Johnson
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Over the past decade, people have taken more interest in where their food comes from and what is in their food. In Lee County heritage skills has increased as a way to preserve skills of grandparents as well as extending their food dollar and taking pride in creating food for their family. The Lee County Extension Agents conducted a country ham program for 14 adults and 1 youth, 8 of the participants where women and 7 where male. Thirteen of the participants had never cured a ham before.Dur
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Bringing Local Foods to the Table
Author: Faye Kuosman
Major Program: Local Food Systems

Farms are an essential and diverse part of Kentucky’s economy, contributing billions of dollars each year across the State. In Woodford County alone, agriculture and the businesses that support it are responsible for one out of three jobs and $565 million in annual revenue. The Extension Service continues to work toward a strong agricultural community and local food system. In an effort to promote agriculture, local farms, and producers in the County, the Woodford County Coope
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Community Gardens
Author: Jonathan Oakes
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Russell County has always had a strong heritage in vegetable production, whether it be commercial or home garden production. Our main garden is located at the extension office. This year, in conjunction with Russell County Health Department and Russell Springs First Baptist Church, we were able to start another community garden in Russell County. The new community garden provides low income families, minorities and Senior Citizens with the opportunity to help grow their own foo
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Farm to Workplace
Author: Alexis Amorese Sheffield
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Community Supported Agriculture, popularly known as a CSA, is a system that connects the producer and consumers within their food system more closely. Members pay for their produce share before the season begins, usually winter, which aids farmers in purchasing necessary products during a time when income is typically low. In return for becoming a member, subscribers receives a weekly box of produce or other farm goods. This includes in-season fruits and vegetables and can expand
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Better Process Control School Certification for Kentucky Processors
Author: Paul Vijayakumar
Major Program: Local Food Systems
In compliance with mandatory USDA and FDA regulations for the prevention of health problems from low-acid and acidified canned foods, Dr. Paul Priyesh Vijayakumar (Process Authority) and his colleagues in the Food Systems Innovation Center offer the Better Process Control School to provide certification to supervisors regarding thermal processing systems and acidification and container closure evaluation programs. The UK-FSIC, in partnership with FDA and the KY State Department of Health (DPH) o
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Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training to meet the FDA's FSMA PSR requirement
Author: Paul Vijayakumar
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is a federal law transforming the nation’s food safety system. The “Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption”, aka “Produce Safety Rule (PSR),” establishes for the first time, science-based minimum standards for the safe growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of fruits and vegetables grown for human consumption. The rule is part of the agency’s ongoing effo
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Produce Safety Alliance Train-the-Trainer program to strengthen the local food system and improve access of locally produced food in a state with vast food deserts
Author: Paul Vijayakumar
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is a federal law transforming the nation’s food safety system. The “Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption”, aka “Produce Safety Rule (PSR),” establishes for the first time, science-based minimum standards for the safe growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of fruits and vegetables grown for human consumption. The FSMA Produce Safety Rule requires at least one super
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Certifying Food Processors in HACCP, a Cost Effective Food Safety System
Author: Paul Vijayakumar
Major Program: Local Food Systems
HACCP is a risk based food safety system that is mandated by the USDA for companies working with meat-, juice-, and seafood-based products. This course provides participants with an understanding of HACCP methods, such as food safety plan development, record keeping, and verification skills that are needed to produce and sell safe food products. Participants in this certification program included food safety and quality assurance managers, other food safety personnel, food scientists and enginee
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Pruning and Grafting Workshop
Author: Jonathan Oakes
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Russell County is home to a diverse agriculture community. The county is still home to traditional agriculture practices but has begun to see a transition to smaller scale, home produced food production. This year the Russell and Cumberland County Extension offices joined together to host a pruning and grafting seminar in conjunction with UK specialist, Dr. Strang. Attendees were able to get hands on experience in fruit tree pruning thanks to a community member who allowed the class
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Food safety and quality field day in collaboration with the Organic Association of Kentucky
Author: Paul Vijayakumar
Major Program: Local Food Systems
I collaborated with the Organic Association of Kentucky, the University of Kentucky’s (UK) Food connection, and the Department of Horticulture at UK and conducted a Food safety and Quality field day. The objective of the field day was to walk and talk through the primary elements of food safety at the University of Kentucky’s Organic Farming Unit, including Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Good Handling Practices (GHP), and PBPT (Produce Best P
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Free On-Farm Readiness Reviews (OFRR) of Kentucky Produce Farms for FSMA-PSR Preparedness
Author: Paul Vijayakumar
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The OFRR (On farm readiness review) is a voluntary assessment used to familiarize farmers with FMA-PSR (Food safety modernization act produce safety rule) requirements and highlight areas where their current practices may need attention. The goal is to provide individual farms with OFRR created tools that can help to assess their preparedness for implementation of a new federal rule. The PSR became effective on January 26, 2016. The initial compliance dates were/are January 26, 2018 for large fa
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Summer Sausage Workshop
Author: Heather Graham
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Over the past decade, people have taken more interest in where their food comes from and what is in their food. In Wolfe and surrounding counties, interest in heritage skills has increased as a way to preserve skills of grandparents as well as extending their food dollar and taking pride in creating food for their family. This can be seen by the popularity of country ham programs for youth and adults in Kentucky.Two years ago the Wolfe County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent H
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Helping Food Businesses Sell Thermally Processed Canned Food Products
Author: Paul Vijayakumar
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations require that acidified/canned foods need to be tested by a qualified person, called a Process Authority, to make sure the products are safe. While large processing plants have their own Process Authority to test these foods, small businesses in Kentucky and other states depend on qualified University Extension Specialists to help them. As the Process Authority at the Food Systems Innovation Center, partnering with the Food Microbio
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Field days to learn more about The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR); Ag Water (pre-harvest/irrigation) Testing in collaboration with Kentucky Horticulture Council
Author: Paul Vijayakumar
Major Program: Local Food Systems
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Produce Best Practices Training
Author: Adam Leonberger
Major Program: Local Food Systems
One of the biggest concerns of extension agents when working with Farmers Market members is the consideration that what is being produced is safe and healthy for consumers. One method to help ensure that this happens is by offering the Produce Best Practices Training (PBPT). PBPT is a training developed by the UK Cooperative Extension Service, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, and the Food Systems Innovation Center. Completion of the training program allows producers to r
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Improving Food Access with the Farmers Market
Author: Adam Leonberger
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Access to high quality, fresh produce is a major challenge for many that live downtown Frankfort. There is only one small, local grocery store that has limited selection and the Farmer’s Market. The Franklin County Farmer’s Market and Franklin County Cooperative Extension Service has worked together to increase the food access to Frankfort residents, especially those on limited income. We’ve expanded several of our programs. Marketing efforts to SNAP, WIC, and Senior Vouc
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Two field days in collaboration with Kentucky Horticulture Council to educate Kentucky Growers on The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR) – Agriculture Water Testing:
Author: Paul Vijayakumar
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Dr. Paul Priyesh Vijayakumar collaborated with the Kentucky Horticulture council and the UK’s Food Connection and conducted two field days, in Winchester and Pembroke, KY with a focus on FSMA Agricultural (pre-harvest/Irrigation) water. The field days introduced a system for accurate, affordable, and timely testing of agriculture water samples for Kentucky’s produce growers. We provided information on accuracy in sampling, development of skills to interpret test results, and strategi
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Wellness Challange - Agriculture Classes
Author: Clay Stamm
Major Program: Local Food Systems
As I move forward in my career as a Cooperative Extension Agent the chance to team up with community partners for great programs increases, and what a blessing that is! During the winter of 2018-2019 I was approached by members of the Clark County Activity Coalition to participate in the Clark County Wellness Challenge by teaching agriculture classes that promoted healthy eating and activity. Commercial agriculture in reality is hard work and promotes physical fitness but I decided it would be b
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Third-Party GAP Audit/Food Safety Plan Writing Workshop
Author: Paul Vijayakumar
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Good agricultural practices (GAPs) and Good handling practices (GHPs) are voluntary audit programs to validate the production, handling, packaging, and storage procedures of vegetable and fruits to ensure their microbial safety. This program is a must for farmers trying to sell whole sale i.e., to national and international retail chains such as Walmart and Kroger, and buyers in particular require this from the farmers they buy from. My GAPs and GHPs training program is for farms of all sizes, e
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Farm Camp
Author: Sharon Flynt
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Ed Davis Youth Farm Camp is a partnership program of the local Extension Horticulture Program and Scott C. Parks and Recreation’s Ed Davis Learning Center. The goal is to provide a motivating agriculture experiences for minority urban and suburban youth far removed from agricultural environment. This year the camp focused on increasing awareness of sustainable agriculture practices and providing race and gender matched role models in the represented fields. Youth were engaged in such activ
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Wallace Avenue Community Garden Increasing Access to Nutritious Foods
Author: Whitney Carman
Major Program: Local Food Systems

In the most recent Community Health Needs Assessment, nutrition and obesity were two of the top health challenges facing Grayson County residents. The low rankings nationally and statewide in diabetes, adult obesity and limited access to healthy food, are all problems that needed attention. Twin Lakes Regional Medical Center (TLRMC) created a Population Health Committee to respond to these needs, and in doing so, created the idea of a community garden for families that do not have a means
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Beginning Farmer Program
Author: Tommy Yankey
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Anderson County Kentucky faces challenges in retaining its rural land use, family farms and agricultural heritage due to rising development pressure and an insufficient number of beginning farmers able to take on new and established agricultural enterprises in the county. Extension agents in Anderson County and others in the region receive regular inquiries from individuals interested in starting operations in the county. However, most of these individuals are ill-prepared to b
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Food Insecurity
Author: Bonnie Sigmon
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Families suffering from food insecurity is an increasing need in our community. God’s Pantry Food Bank regional warehouse estimates that one in five children and one in four senior citizens are utilizing their services at least once a month. To address this need, the Laurel County Extension Office is collaborating with several local organizations to ensure access to sufficient food supplies for individuals and families.London Laurel County Farmers Market vendors have been acce
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Career Craze
Author: Tad Campbell
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Promoting agriculture to younger generations will continue the success of agriculture from education.The Mason County Agriculture and Natural Resources agent partnered with the Maysville Community and Technical College to host an agricultural career day as part of the Career Craze Program offered through the college. The basis of the program is to bring awareness of careers to middle school aged youth offered by different sectors of industry across the county.Agriculture offers a vast amou
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GO LOCAL Program Leads to Lifestyle Changes
Author: Sharon Flynt
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Coordinating with a local church, parks and recreation, and a youth learning center the horticulture program used a GO LOCAL movement to impact an underserved neighborhood and volunteers, in the spring of 2018. Volunteers worked with the agent, and other leaders of the community to create raised beds for the youth, and helped in planting those beds with vegetables, fruits, and flowers. Those volunteers consisted of a young married couple with no gardening experience, community members and
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Produce Best Management Practices
Author: Anthony Tackett
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Food Safety has always been a primary focus of commercial fruit and vegetable producers. One of the biggest concerns of extension agents when working with Farmers Market members is the consideration that what is being produced is safe and healthy for consumers. One method to help ensure that this happens is by offering the Produce Best Practices Training (PBPT). PBPT is a training developed by the UK Cooperative Extension Service, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, and the
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Maine Meat Cutting School
Author: Gregg Rentfrow
Major Program: Local Food Systems
I was contacted by the University of Maine to help develop a five day meat cutting workshop for meat processors, farmers, and the general public. I worked with Dr. Colt Knight, UM Livestock Specialist, to develop a two meat processing workshops; one, four day and one, one day workshops. These workshops were held in April 2019. The four day workshop had 26 individuals that learned basic, hands-on meat cutting skills (beef, pork, and lamb) and 15 Mainers participated in the singl
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Cook Wild Kentucky
Author: Jann Knappage
Major Program: Local Food Systems
17% or approximately 743,310 of Kentuckians are food insecure. This means, approximately 1 in 6 Kentuckians are food insecure. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, food insecurity is a state in which “consistent access to adequate food is limited by a lack of money and other resources at times during the year.” A nonprofit organization, Hunters for the Hungry, addresses this by donating venison to Kentucky food banks. Feeding Kentucky, formerly Kentucky Associati
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Author: Shawn Wright
Major Program: Local Food Systems
To help growers with local food production we have established a pawpaw orchard at RCARS. The initial planting of 60 trees was done in the summer of 2017 with grafting the following May. These trees have been grown and maintained since then. A few of the grafts did not take and a few of the trees also died. Therefor these trees were regrafted or replanted in June of 2019. Currently the trees are growing well and will be monitored and maintained. The overall go
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Winter School
Author: Matthew Chadwick
Major Program: Local Food Systems

Winter SchoolAlong with the Marshall and Graves County Extension Offices, we hosted the first ever Winter School program. This program offered a series of three sessions that rotated between host counties. We offered sessions on Grain Crops, Beef and Tobacco. Producers very well attended all three of the sessions. We did not receive a negative survey response from any of the participants. All participants reported that they would have some behavior change due to the information they received. &n
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Harmon Brother's Meats
Author: Gregg Rentfrow
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Harmon Brother's Meats is a meat processor in Northern Kentucky that has two locations, a slaughter and fabrication plant and a retail grocery store in the next county. They offer local meats when available in their retail store. Harmon Brother's had two issues that needed to be addressed. First, they had recently purchased the retail store, but had limited experience in the retail/grocery business thus they asked for my help. I worked in retail grocery stores for
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Kentucky Association of Meat Processors
Author: Gregg Rentfrow
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The original Kentucky Meat Processors Association disbanded in the mid-1980's. I have worked with other meat processor associations throughout the country and have seen the benefit of having organized meat processors. I have been working with meat processors in Kentucky to re-establish an association. We hosted a day workshop for meat processors that covered economic development, food safety and the benefit of environmental testing, proper stunning techniques, and new beef
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Community develops plans to expands local foods through national grant
Author: Chadwick Conway
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Knott county is like many other communities in Appalachia who have seen a large growth in the local food market. In order to expand our potential for better local food services, the Chamber of Commerce, Hindman Settlement School, and Knott County Extension Service applied for a Local Foods, Local Places Planning Grant. Local Foods, Local Places is a program that helps cities and towns across the country protect the environment and human health. They do this by engaging with local partners t
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Iroquois Farm Soil Contamination Remediation Program
Author: Phillip Long
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Iroquois Farm is situated on an 8 acre Louisville Metro Housing Authority demolition site owned by the city of Louisville. After the Louisville Metro Housing Authority had the buildings removed, the contractor brought in soil to level out the site for some future use and submitted soil sample test results. Soil test results indicated high levels of Arsenic and Lead. The Food Literacy Program contacted The Housing Authority to discussing leasing the land for vegetable farming. An agreement was re
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Food Systems Innovation Center new clients this year
Author: Melissa Morgan (Newman)
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The Food Systems Innovation Center (FSIC) is a multi-discipline program designed to aid Kentucky’s food entrepreneur’s. Many of our clients are involved in producing locally grown foods and agricultural products. Often marketing through the Kentucky Proud within the Commonwealth. The majority of these foods are marketed at local farmer’s markets and some have become popular and/or have gained the attention of larger markets. When this happens, these entrepreneurs have question
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The Food Systems Innovation Center (FSIC) customized educational opportunities
Author: Melissa Morgan (Newman)
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The Food Systems Innovation Center (FSIC) offers a variety of educational opportunities not limited to the Better Process Control School (BPCS), Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP), GAP Audit Preparatory Training, Food Safety Regulation, FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food, MarketReady and Safe Quality Foods (SQF). These programs are offered on a rotating schedule throughout the year but occasionally our clients need these programs immediately due to employee loss so th
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The Food Systems Innovation Center (FSIC) USDA validation study
Author: Melissa Morgan (Newman)
Major Program: Local Food Systems
The Food Systems Innovation Center (FSIC) offers several analytical services such as shelf-life determination, microbial analysis and challenge studies, nutritional label analysis, sensory evaluation, and help with marking. Much of this work is proprietary because recipes and production practices are unique. One such KY based large ready to eat meat producer ask the FSIC to validate the safety of several products that had been reformulated to have a “clean” label. Which m
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Farm to Table dinner at Hardin County Fairgrounds Sees Success for Charity Second Year in a Row
Author: Dayna Fentress
Major Program: Local Food Systems
UK FCS Extension worked with the Hardin County Fairboard, Central Hardin FFA, Farm Credit Mid-America, and a committee of volunteers to plan the second annual Farm to Table dinner at the Hardin County Fair.Last year, 250 individuals gathered at the Hardin County Fair for the first ever Farm to Table dinner. The dinner showcased Kentucky Proud produce and meats, while supporting a local charity. We were able to give $4,000 to two different charities in our community, Feeding America’s BackP
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Hickman County Farm to Fork Event
Author: Mattea Mitchell
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Hickman County Cooperative Extension Service and the Rotary Park Committee co-hosted the second Kentucky Proud Farm to Fork Fundraising Dinner on August 10, 2018. This was unique opportunity to simultaneously eat a delicious Kentucky Proud meal prepared by local caterers and bakers, Cooperative Extension staff and volunteers while supporting our local food pantry. The Kentucky Proud Farm to Fork purpose is to partner with local organizations to increase awareness of Kentucky Proud foods and bene
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