Success StoryCYFAR Uplift Project Year 2
CYFAR Uplift Project Year 2
Author: Tyrone Atkinson
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Family Development General
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The CYFAR Uplift Project Year 2 was met with challenges and successes. The team consists of Dr. Kerri Ashurst, Dr. Ken Jones, Dr. Allison Young, Chandra DeRamus, Carla Jordan, Maria Harris and Tyrone Atkinson, which all are Kentucky Extension employees. The purpose of this grant is to provide a comprehensive life skills development program for high-risk youth and strengths-based programming for their families. 2020 presented many challenges for the project as Covid-19 shut down many opportunities for collaborating and networking, but through persistence and devotion partnerships were made and programs thrived. There were limited number of programs because Hardin Co. did not meet virtually. Fayette Co. was not able to solidfy a program because of the lack of physical ability to meet in person as well. Plans and partners were may in the Spring of 2021 that will help the fall become more productive as things open back open and hopefully meetings continue in person. The collaboration with 4-H Youth Development and many others on Critical Conversations and the Social Justice Teen Board came about through this grant and will be kicking off in July. The collaboration with Kentucky State University in Hardin and Fayette has given us an avenue of sharing resources, partners, and ideas to make all programming more sustainable when the grant ends.
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