Author: Raul Villanueva
Planning Unit: Entomology
Major Program: Grains
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Kentucky soybean board provided some funds to study these beetle species in 2020 and as a result I presented this information to an online audience du to the pandemic restrictions. The event was organized by Dr. Bessin and there were many speakers on filed crops in the morning and vegetables and fruits in the afternoon. The audience was thankful, there was a great feedback about the presentations. There were about 90 people for the morning session and about 50 for the afternoon. For my presentation >75% of the responses declared that the information benefited them.
Worrking with the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and the IR-4 project, I initiated the submissio... Read More
In May of 2020 there was a New York Time article that focused on the Asian giant hornet, which they ... Read More