Success StoryPest Management Field Days in 2020 and 2021: Insect Upadte for Grain Crops
Pest Management Field Days in 2020 and 2021: Insect Upadte for Grain Crops
Author: Raul Villanueva
Planning Unit: Entomology
Major Program: Grains
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
I participated presenting at the 2020 (July28) and 2021 (29 June) Pest Management Field Days. These two events were organized by Dr. Legleiter, the first was virtual while the second was in person. They were successfully completed considering the COVID 2019 for the first and as first in person field day at the UKREC since 2019 fro the second. In 2021 there were 67 attendees at the event and and collected surveys from 33 individuals at the conclusion of the event. 83% of the participants considered my presentation very beneficial to extremely beneficial. Based on all data collected from event, below are major highlights:
- Acres of crops influenced: 964,667 Acres
- Average value of field day to participants: $15.53/A
- Total Value of the field day: $12,249,673
Stories by Raul Villanueva

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Stories by Entomology

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