Success StoryCloverbuds to Campers
Cloverbuds to Campers
Author: Renata Farmer
Planning Unit: Knox County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: Promoting personal development of the adult and child
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The primary goal of the 4-H Cloverbuds program is to promote children's healthy development-mentally, physically, socially and emotionally. The program allows for and encourages creativity and learning through play. The 4-H Cloverbuds program is developmentally age-appropriate. Thus, it is fun, leader-directed, group-centered and has a wide range of activities (crafts, health, science and more).
In Knox County, the 4-H Cloverbud summer program began in 2013 in an effort to reach younger youth and involve them in 4-H programs. Each year, a week throughout the summer is dedicated to the program. In 2021, 18 youth participated in our summer 4-H Cloverbud program. During this time, we offer youth ages 6-8 hands-on learning in each of the 4-H Core curriculum areas (science, health, natural resources, arts, etc). Many community partners have joined our program in effort to create a more diversified program. Smoky the Bear and the Kentucky Division of Forestry, local fire departments, air ambulance and rescue personnel, local veterinarians and reptile/ zoo exhibits have all been a part of the program.
Participation in our 4-H Cloverbuds have also led to the greatest increase in participation in 4-H camp with those aging out of the program continuing their 4-H experience in our camping program.
As a result of Cloverbuds:
-Approximately 110 youth have participated in the program since 2013.
-100% of youth engaged in hands-on learning activities.
-Approximatley 65% of youth go on to participate in at least one other 4-H program like Rabbit Club, 4-H Camp etc
Stories by Renata Farmer
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Stories by Knox County CES
Cloverbuds to Campers
The primary goal of the 4-H Cloverbuds program is to promote childrens healthy development-mentally,... Read More
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