Author: Terence Clemons
Planning Unit: Bath County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: Develop Life Skills & Promote Family Cohesion
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The uncertainty and precautions of Covid 19 is still a prominent thought and actions of every person in the United States. Due to that fact, Summer Camp 2021 wasn't guaranteed to happen (like in 2020). Through months of discussion and planning from U. K. Legal down to Bath County 4-H Program Camp 2021 happened.
The new year brought many changes at 4-H Camp in 2021. All camp sites were limited to 50% capacity, new handwashing stations were installed, social distancing was required along with facemasks and Bath County was limited to taking only 50% of its usual attendance. The changes also eliminated many of the well received activities at camp, such as Sally Down The Alley, Field Games, Water Olympics, Shelter House Activities, etc. The changes did, however, allow all of the campers to attend every class session offered this year. Classes included Archery, Riflery, High and Low Ropes, Fishing, Crafts, Recreation, Nature and more. Bath County took 41 Campers, Teen Counselors and Adult Counselors.
Based on verbal and written evaluations, this year's camping session may have been different, but a lot were pleased. A verbal report, "I liked staying in the cabins with less people, it seemed to all of us to know each other better." Written evaluation, "put my name down to attend next year." "The camp seemed empty, but I am glad I attended because I was so ready to get out of the house and do something fun."
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