Success StoryGardening Series
Gardening Series
Author: Shonda Johnston
Planning Unit: Clark County CES
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Plan of Work: Targeting Life Skills and Family Lives
Outcome: Initial Outcome
As the pandemic restrictions began to lift in early 2021, the Clark County FCS Agent and the Clark County ANR agent began to brainstorm programing ideas for our first in-person meetings for the post-pandemic world. There had been a great deal of news coverage of possible food shortages and as a result and a renewed interest in growing your own food to address the possible shortages. To address this new concern, it was decided to host a collaborative gardening series, focusing on growing, processing, and preserving your own vegetables at home.
It was decided we would conduct a 5-night series to take place over the duration of the summer to cover timely topics of the gardening and food preservation seasons. Topics would include, preparing to plant your garden, maintaining the garden, garden harvest, food preservation, and post-harvest garden care. Participants received publications and gardening calendars to help them prepare and plant their garden. Food preservation topics were also taught. Many of the participants had done some aspects of food preservation before, though many were taking the classes as refreshers.
Advertising for the program happened in newsletters and social media. Approximately 20 participants attended these sessions. 100% of the participants reported learning something new about gardening and food preparation and preservation. There is a hope to follow up with participants later in the fall too see how successful their gardening and food preservation venture was. This was a great collaboration effort by the ANR and FCS agents in Clark County as well as the Clark County Master Gardeners.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment