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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Success StoryBig Blue Goals

Big Blue Goals

Author: Sheila Fawbush

Planning Unit: Shelby County CES

Major Program: Family Development General

Plan of Work: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Annually, Family and Consumer Sciences Agents and staff see an increased interest from clients in health-behavior choices around the new year.  This year, to reach both current and new clientele with timely and research-based information, FCS Extension rolled out a new program just in time for January 2021- Big Blue Goals.  The program was designed to allow for participation through either an online platform (Goalify app) that could be operated on a smartphone, computer, or tablet, or through a traditional paper format. Participants received daily or weekly educational information about a variety of topics, organized under six challenges which included: preparing meals at home, increasing physical activity, consuming fruits and vegetables, making sound financial decisions, living well, and improving relationship skills.  Participants selected which of the six challenges in which they participated and recorded efforts made in each area during the 10-week program. 

In Shelby County 18 individuals participated in Big Blue Goals through both formats, and as a group made an impressive amount of wise and healthy choices!  At the end of the challenge, all participants were given the opportunity to complete an evaluation survey. 

 Eleven individuals participated in the Physical Activity challenge and had a combined total of 6,090 minutes of physical activity. Evidence shows that individuals who engage in physical activity have improved physical and mental health outcomes.  One hundred percent of survey respondents adopted a new physical activity practice as a result of participating in this challenge. 

Ten individuals participated in the Meals at Home challenge and consumed a combined total of 806 meals at home during the 10 weeks. Evidence shows that individuals who consume meals at their residence, as opposed to in a restaurant, consume overall healthier foods and more appropriate portion sizes.  50% of survey respondents supplemented their meals at home with food that they grew, caught, or preserved themselves.

Eleven individuals participated in the Fruits and Vegetables Challenge and consumed a combined total of 1,438 servings of fruit and vegetables during the 10-week challenge. Evidence shows that eating 4-6 servings of fruit and vegetables each day improves health outcomes.  

One hundred percent of survey respondents who participated in the Intentional Spending Challenge followed a spending plan for 8 or more weeks of the 10-week challenge.   Participants saved an additional $450 during the 10 week challenge.   

The Relationship Challenge and the Living Well Challenge incorporated the chat feature of the Goalify App to encourage participants to share their thoughts about what they were learning or respond to specific questions that were asked throughout the challenges.  Additionally, participants were encouraged to participate in independent study of FCS publications related to the topic which were delivered directly to their mobile device through the app. The paper participants received this information through requested weekly mailout packets or through front porch packets available to all interested people which included an even bigger audience.

One hundred percent of survey respondents who participated in the Relationship Challenge reported planning to use the educational information received to strengthen their relationships.  Respondents used information received to increase involvement with their children, reduce screen time for their families, establish family routines, or volunteer their resources to help others. 

One hundred percent of survey respondents who participated in the Living Well Challenge reported planning to use the educational information received to enhance their own well-being.  Respondents used information received to establish consistent sleep habits, accept that which is with their control, took time to care for themselves, and took precautions to prevent injuries in their homes. 

However, it is often the words of our participants that speak to the success of our programs.  One participant said, “The challenge allowed me to document my daily exercise activities and this documentation encouraged me to increase my daily exercise.   More importantly the challenge was a real motivator for my wife to increase her daily exercise activities.”  Another shared, “Although I follow nutritional eating and moving regularly, this made me more intentional.”  But maybe the participant who said, “This was a great challenge.  I would do it again.” said it best. 


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