Success StoryFood Preservation
Food Preservation
Author: Alyssa Cox
Planning Unit: Rockcastle County CES
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Plan of Work: Active Living & Health Promotions
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Wolfe Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent, Alyssa Cox, collaborated with Elliott County Extension, Elliott County High School, and AppHarvest to offer a food preservation workshop during AgTech Camp. A total of 7 high school students participated in the program to learn how to preserve the produce grown in their new AppHarvest Container Farm. During the program, various methods of food preservation were discussed, including boil water canning, pressure canning, dehydrating, and freezing. 100 percent of participants identified research based methods of home food preservation as a result of the program. 100 percent of participants differentiated between high and low acid foods, and 100 percent of participants accurately prepared strawberry jam using the boiling water canning method of preservation. 100 percent of participants also identified signs of spoilage in home canned foods. Participants received a copy of the Food Preservation Workshop booklet to take home as a reference guide for future use. 57% of participants indicated an interest in preserving food at home.
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