Success Story4-H Teen Conference
4-H Teen Conference
Author: Sherri Farley
Planning Unit: Campbell County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: 4-H Youth Development - Leadership
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down programming in March 2020 youth, families, and communities experienced long-term isolation and alteration of their typical lives related to in and out of school activities. Youth out-of-school time programs, such as 4-H, are essential ecological assets and their disruption during the pandemic may have a major impact on youth’s developmental pathways (Ettekal & Aganas, 2020). For many youth COVID-19 will be the defining issue of their lives and affect them in ways that will mark the course of their life-long development (Bartlett & Virette, 2020). As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative that programs, communities, and families that are involved in the lives of youth make a diligent effort to restore and rebuild opportunities that provide experiences to develop interpersonal life-skills. Hosting the Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference in June 2021 was an attempt to provide a typical cumulative experience for senior-level 4-H members. Due to COVID-19 capacity restrictions the conference was open to only those senior-level youth who participated throughout the program year in a Kentucky 4-H leadership board or the Kentucky 4-H Achievement Program.
208 youth representing 68 counties participated in the 2021 Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference. Youth reported that it was important to attend the conference this year because this was the first, large, in-person 4-H event since March 2020. This event was much needed to gain a sense of normalcy and gave us hope that we will be able to return to traditional 4-H events. Another teen stated that after hearing the word “cancelled” all too often seeing other 4-Hers and getting to interact with others was much needed, this event gave me hope.
Youth reported that they benefited from the Conference by seeing how their 4-H peers remained resilient through the pandemic and this conference served as a great inspiration for the future. Teen also got to exercise their networking skills by gaining new friendships.
Attending 4-H Teen Conference at the University of Kentucky is a valuable experience for youth from across the Commonwealth. Teens reported that getting the feel for college life, staying in the dorms and being independent were valuable parts of the conference. Also, having this event at UK is very eye-opening to those who are still making post-secondary decisions. Teens feel connected just by staying in the dorms. They get to tour the campus and explore what the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment has to offer.
Campbell County 4-H program had 4 teens and 1 agent attend the conference this year. One of the teens participated in the Achievement Track, received the Silver Achievement award and accepted a scholarship on behalf of her sister. Three of the teens attended the conference as statewide delegates so they participated in a service project and completed a personality assessment as part of their program. A formal dance, installation of the state 4-H officers, and inspirational speakers were also highlights of the week.
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