Success StoryHome gardening

Home gardening

Author: Stacy White

Planning Unit: Whitley County CES

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Plan of Work: Strengthening Local Food Systems

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

In today's uncertain economic and social climate there is an increasing interest in learning to grow your own food.  In cooperation with Grow Appalachia and Save the Children, home gardening classes are presented to underprivileged families wanting to grow their own gardens.  The Grow Appalachia group is hosted by Henderson Settlement, a United Methodist Mission, which services Whitley and surrounding counties.  The Save the Children gardening program is conducted in partnership with the Whitley County School Resource Centers.  Topics covered with both groups include garden planning, planting, maintenance, and season extension techniques.  The gardens these families grow provide nutritious food that can be hard to find or afford at times.  Having their gardens gives these families some much needed food security.

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