Success Story"Families in Crisis"

"Families in Crisis"

Author: Linda Combs

Planning Unit: Knott County CES

Major Program: Family Development General

Plan of Work: Nurturing Families

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Due to Covid-19 related health issues, especially mental health Knott  County Extension was asked to provide “Grab and Go” programs to families in crisis.  Family and Consumer Science Agent and the 4-H youth and development agent collaborated to provide Grab and Go monthly programs to 207 youth and 80 adults.  Educational materials included: stem projects, financial hints and tips, nutrition and health facts, addiction prevention and recovery, safety issues relating to food, home and personal safety.  Once a month ingredients were provided for the family to prepare an included recipe together.  Each month families received a family activity to do together – these included thankful activities, beaded ornaments, paper crafts, art supplies and other craft activities.  Post evaluation indicated that all families benefited from the program.  Adults reported the youth looked forward to getting the packets.  Both adults and youth enjoyed the hands on activities with easy to follow directions.  “We enjoyed having the time together”. “This got us out of our usual activities and expanded our comfort zone”. “This helped with all the anxiety of social distancing”. “Thank you for the hours you put into preparing these bags”. “Anytime you can spend quality time as a family it reduces stress, these activities took our minds off the pandemic and allowed us to have a little fun while spending time together”.  Of those reporting over 70% said it was their first time using extension programs.  The agency asking for help said “thank you so much, you guys went above and beyond.  No other partner has provided us as much help”.