Success Story4-H Scholarship Receipients Win Knowledge & Leadership
4-H Scholarship Receipients Win Knowledge & Leadership
Author: Novella Froman
Planning Unit: Pike County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: Leadership Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Five 4-H scholarship applicants gave a report on what they have learned through their ten year membership with the Pike County 4-H Program. Listed below are the skills that they have learned or what they are going to do different because of 4-H.
* I learned to be able to do public speaking in front of many large crowds. * I learned how to properly conduct a business meeting from my as president and vice-president. * I learned how to work with younger children through being a teen counselor at 4-H Camp. * I learned how to speak to people and come out of my shell. * Thrings that I learned are public speaking abilities, self conficence and my leadership abilities. * I learned to be of service to my community and I indend to continue doing community service work by using my hands and heart for a greater good. * I want to be a 4-H agent.* I have positvely grown as an individual becuase of this.
It has been an honor to have these long term 4-H members: Bix Mey, Katie Thacker, Kiersten Dotson, Cassie Robert and Shirley Roberts. These young people and are prepared for the institution of higher learning as they further their education. These young people will be an asset to our communities; they have made the best better through 4-H.
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