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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021

Success StoryMultidisciplinary Approach to Local Tilapia Aquaculture

Multidisciplinary Approach to Local Tilapia Aquaculture

Author: Noel Novelo

Planning Unit: KSU Administration

Major Program: Aquaculture

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

We obtained $250,000 in federal funding for a three-year extension-based Capacity Building Grant awarded on March 30, 2021 by USDA-NIFA to work with minority and limited-resources stakeholders in improved hatchery production of Nile Tilapia, on-farm growth, marketing and human nutrition. The title of the project is: ‘Expanding Aquaculture and Healthy Food Choices to Reduce Economic and Health Disparities Affecting Minority and Limited-Resource Stakeholders.’ Although there is interest in tilapia farming and high importation of tilapia products in Kentucky, there is no systematic aquaculture production of tilapia for local sales and consumption. This extension project will use genetic improvement technology to produce fast-growing all-male or predominantly male tilapia for on farm demonstrations and data collection on marketing and sales. It will focus on education and training on human nutrition obtained from aquaculture products including US produced tilapia, and other Kentucky aquaculture products. At a time where there is minimal or non-existent tilapia production in Kentucky and where tilapia consumption is evident and dependent on importation, this Extension project will provide data that will inform local farmers and markets on efficient management of genetic resources for local tilapia production, tilapia marketing and sales, on local production and consumption, and human nutrition aspects. The lead project director is Dr. Noel Novelo, and he with Dr. Boris Gomelsky (Co-Director) will work on genetic advancement and on-farm demonstrations alongside two Co-Directors from distinct disciplines, Dr. Marcus Bernard (Marketing) and Dr. Kristopher Grimes (Human Nutrition). More project information can be obtained at:

Stories by Noel Novelo

LIfe-Saving Support System Adopted

about 3 years ago by Noel Novelo

One of the main purposes of Extension is to provide useful information for facilitating beneficial o... Read More

Multidisciplinary Approach to Local Tilapia Aquaculture

about 3 years ago by Noel Novelo

We obtained $250,000 in federal funding for a three-year extension-based Capacity Building Grant awa... Read More

Stories by KSU Administration

SNAP-ED Still Making an Impact among Primary Students on Their Overall Health during a Pandemic

SNAP-ED Still Making an Impact among Primary Students on Their Overall Health during a Pandemic

about 3 years ago by Jessica Reed

According to as of October 2020, Kentucky youth has the highest o... Read More

Serving Families: Backpack Buddies Help With Weekend Meals

Serving Families: Backpack Buddies Help With Weekend Meals

about 3 years ago by Kathleen "Happy" Raffaele

Research conducted by Feeding America shows Kentuckys food insecurity rate is more than 20%. Childre... Read More

Stories by Aquaculture

With help of KYSU, high school students get hands-on aquaculture education

about 3 years ago by Ken Thompson

Through an aquaponics partnership with Kentucky State University, students at Eminence High School l... Read More

Farmer starting to use drones.

about 3 years ago by William Rogers

Drone Technology can provide opportunities for Kentucky underserved farmers, veterans, women, and ot... Read More