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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryGovernment in Action: 4-H Capitol Experience

Government in Action: 4-H Capitol Experience

Author: Lisa Hagman

Planning Unit: Hancock County CES

Major Program: Civic Engagement

Plan of Work: Developing Leadership, Life Skills, and Volunteer Skills

Outcome: Initial Outcome

The National Council for the Social Studies contends: “The primary purpose of Social Studies is to help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.”   These skills, habits and qualities of character will prepare students to accept responsibility for preserving and defending their liberties and empower them to think critically, reason and problem solve. Thus, the civic mission of social studies is crucial and demands the inclusion of each and every student in Kentucky (Kentucky Academic Standards for Social Studies.)

4-H members from Hancock, Breckinridge, and Meade Counties joined together via Zoom to experience Government in Action: 2021 4-H Capitol Experience. The learning experiences were a live tour of the Old Capitol Building, history, Senate, House of Representatives, and making a quill pen with the Kentucky Historical Society, a video from Representative Josh Calloway, a tour of the Capitol Building, tour and history of the Lincoln Memorial, history and tour and of White House and a video of Mount Rushmore. The experience also included a discussion about each county’s Representatives and Senators on the state and national level.

-86% gained a better understanding of the history of Ky government

-100% are confident they can now identify an issue in their community and work together to address it

-100% indicated they will run for an office in a 4-H Club, visit a local fiscal court meeting, visit Frankfort or visit Washington, DC.


In order to prepare young people in the 21st century, Hancock County 4-H is working to prepare young people who are civically engaged, socially responsible and culturally aware with programs designed to include a breadth of knowledge, not as isolated facts to be simply memorized, but as useable knowledge to be integrated into an understanding of the world (Kentucky Academic Standards for Social Studies.)

Stories by Lisa Hagman

4-H Culinary Arts Club Member Discovers a Spark and Now is an Entrepreneur and Professional Baker

4-H Culinary Arts Club Member Discovers a Spark and Now is an Entrepreneur and Professional Baker

about 10 months ago by Lisa Hagman

4-H offers many opportunities for youth to explore and discover their sparks. High quality 4-H progr... Read More

Gaining a Better Understanding and Appreciation of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

about 10 months ago by Lisa Hagman

The Kentucky 4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Academy (NRESci) strives to increase e... Read More

Stories by Hancock County CES

3 Day Cooking Camp

3 Day Cooking Camp

about 9 months ago by Angelia Swihart

Learning to cook is an essential life skill everyone should strive to develop at some point in their... Read More

4-H Culinary Arts Club Member Discovers a Spark and Now is an Entrepreneur and Professional Baker

4-H Culinary Arts Club Member Discovers a Spark and Now is an Entrepreneur and Professional Baker

about 10 months ago by Lisa Hagman

4-H offers many opportunities for youth to explore and discover their sparks. High quality 4-H progr... Read More