Success Story"Putting Food By" - Demand for food preservation information sky rockets

"Putting Food By" - Demand for food preservation information sky rockets

Author: Nellie Buchanan

Planning Unit: Morgan County CES

Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

Plan of Work: Health and Wellness

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Programming in a year of a pandemic, required resourceful methods to reach families with research based USDA recommended practices for preserving food safely.  2020 was a unique year, home gardening grew by leaps and bounds as did the request for canner testing, food preservation materials and even denouncing many "inaccurate" Face book posts that people shared as "safe".  Intervention with a local food group on Facebook led many to observe, request and practice safe methods of preserving food.  A new generation of food preservers is evolving as they are interested in learning skills to "put food by" knowing they have grown, not used pesticides or preservatives to their family's food supply.  

One man requested food preservation materials and instruction and successfully preserved his harvest from the summer garden.  He recently reported, "I had never canned or preserved before.  I have the information and knowledge gained to add to my food supply all winter.  I have nearly used all my canned and frozen food.  I am going to grow more and can more this year.  Thank you so much for helping me learn these skills."     

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