Success StoryFreezer Beef Bootcamp Prepares Producers to Market Beef Locally in response to pandemic
Freezer Beef Bootcamp Prepares Producers to Market Beef Locally in response to pandemic
Author: Michelle Simon
Planning Unit: Campbell County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Improving Economics & Sustainability of Agriculture & Farm Management
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In March of 2020 the covid 19 pandemic caused major market disruptions halting production in the meat packing plants which led to food shortages and empty grocery store shelves. This drove consumers to purchase meats and produce locally and even purchase freezers to store food. This increase in demand for local meats provided a window of opportunity for beef producers to capture a higher profit by finishing beef and selling it as a locally grown product. Due to the numerous challenges facing producers including labeling, economics and processing the ANR agents in Boone, Kenton and Campbell counties partnered with UK Beef and Ag Economics specialists to offer the Freezer Beef Bootcamp Series. This series consisted of four online sessions discussing nutrition, meat processing, marketing and economics. Of the 96 participants, 100% reported an increase of knowledge in balancing rations to finish freezer beef, gained a better understanding of the legalities surrounding selling freezer beef, and had the knowledge to price their product according to their input costs and be profitable. These participants gained the tools necessary to have profitable freezer beef businesses.
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