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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

Success StoryHardin County Brown Bag programming reaches new audience during pandemic

Hardin County Brown Bag programming reaches new audience during pandemic

Author: Dayna Fentress

Planning Unit: Hardin County CES

Major Program: Family Development General

Plan of Work: Enhancing Life Skills through Youth Projects and Activities

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

When Extension Offices across the state had to close their doors to foot traffic, Hardin County quickly found a few ways to continue reaching our audiences. In fact, Hardin County 4-H, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Horticulture programs not only reached our traditional audience, but an entirely new sector of Hardin County residents as well.

In an effort to make our programs as accessible as possible, the three Hardin County agents, along with two program assistants, offered two options during the school year: a snail mail club, and brown bags to go. The snail mail club was for any child aged 2-18, and they received a packet in the mail each Monday. We had 60 families, with 101 children receive 10 weeks of Extension programming via paper mail. 

The brown bag effort was much more hands on. Twice a week, Hardin County Extension offered a "program to go" in our foyer. We would make as many bags as we were able, post on our social media outlets and a text message to our Remind groups, and bags would be picked up first come, first served. Topics ranged from bird feeders, to science experiments, to DIY musical instruments, and so much more. All included some sort of Extension education. All promoted healthy home and family relationships and spending time together. 

Through our efforts, we gave out over 1,420 bags during the remainder of the school year. When the end of the month of May came around, we decided to switch to once a week programs that are reserved ahead of time instead of first come, first served. This allows the agent to know how many bags are requested and how many to make. We assumed that with summer rolling in, fewer bags would be picked up and this was a good way to be a good steward of our resources. More than 500 bags were reserved for the summer programs to go. 

Since starting these programs, our social media channels have received significantly more engagement, posts were shared hundreds of times, reaching more than 20,000 Facebook newsfeeds. We received multiple pictures and emails with finished product photos thanking us for the activities. More than 200 families had never utilized Extension before until programming to go. They appreciated an opportunity to pick up a project that was not part of the school curriculum, but still had an educational basis.

Even when offices re-open, to-go Extension programming will be a great tool to engage families who cannot participate in traditional face to face programming on a regular basis.

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