Success StoryHenderson County Horticulture Grows Leaders
Henderson County Horticulture Grows Leaders
Author: Paul Andrew Rideout
Planning Unit: Henderson County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Leadership Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
According to data from the AmeriCorps, 978,627 Kentuckians volunteered their time, talent and effort to improve people’s lives. 96.6 million hours of service and $2.3 billion of service were contributed. Henderson County’s population is around 45,609and the need for volunteers is more critical as programs expand.
The Henderson County Extension office ended the year with a leadership appreciation program that was called “Henderson County Leadership Hall of Fame”. We started the program in 2017. Leaders were invited to attend a night of appreciation and awards ceremony where a leader from each program area was surprised with an overall award. This year being in a pandemic, the event had to be changed to Facebook Live with 942 individuals reached online and those who won were present to accept their award.
Each Extension agent needs community members to assist in teaching or organizing programs, leading clubs and groups, assisting with events or activities, and providing input and guidance. Volunteer opportunities include: Club Leaders, Project Club, Master Clothing, Extension Homemakers, Master Gardeners and others.
The Henderson County Master Gardeners contributed over 1100 volunteer hours in 2020. Although all of their annual programs were cancelled, the Master Gardeners still found a way to get good information out to clientele. Following COVID guidelines, they continued to support the community gardens, Habitat for Humanity, and other community projects. Three recognition awards were presented; voted on by their peers.
Time is worth money. One hour equal $27.20 per hour. The Henderson Master Gardeners contributed almost $30,000 of value to our community.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment