Author: Deborah Stumbo
Planning Unit: Pike County CES
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
Plan of Work: Promoting Commodities
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
One of the successes of the Pike ANR is the Pike County Beekeepers. The Beekeepers Association has grown to 87 members in 2017. Some items they are really proud of is developing leadership to provide training on the regional level and becoming partners with state associations. Leadership provides training for the Southeast Bee School and the Northeast Bee School. Several beekeepers also, participating in a project with KDA & Perdue on Queen Rearing and one member is serving on the State Queen Breeders Board of Directors. Meetings/trainings are held monthly at the Extension Office and average 50+ members at each meeting. Most trainings are taught by the membership with an occasional guest speaker such as the State Beekeeper (Tammy Horn), past State Beekeeper ( Allen Meyers), Insurance & Commercial Beekeeping (Lani Basberg), Using Beeswax (Linda & Randall Stewart), Winterizing Bees, Setting up a Hive for new Beekeepers, Proper use of Shared Use Equipment, Winterizing hives, Spring Buildup, Summer Feeding, Mites/Pests, and many other timely trainings. Beekeepers have also provided Beekeeping activities and training for Cub, Girl, & Boy Scouts as one of the Farmers Market events day. Since the Beekeepers day numbers of Kids coming to the Farmers Market has risen, which has helped both groups. Beekeepers demonstrate leadership that keeps growing and expanding to other areas.
The first every Wine Cap Mushroom Workshop was held at the Pike County Extension Office. It was deve... Read More
Pikeville Farmers Market has been a great success. 2020 has been a struggle to keep up with and acco... Read More
Even at nine years old, Zach Chaney knew he had talent and wanted to learn to use it. Growing up in ... Read More
Many studies have shown that sewing is not only a productive life skill and hobby, but that it can b... Read More