After being approached by a local bee keeper this past fall who was excited about sharing his knowledge of bees, I helped them to develop a new 4-H and adult club that focuses on educating families on bee keeping. This new group has met monthly since August and has continued to grow with each meeting. The combination of adults and youth in one meeting has allowed our volunteer to reach a wide range of our community. The group has made plans to build their own hive to place at the houses of the f...
In the spring of 2017 the Northeast Kentucky Beekeepers planned and designed an outdoor classroom areas to teach beekeeping with a hands on aspect. They set up six beehives, with one being a top bar h... Read More
This season Calloway County Extension office has offered a new series of classes centered around increasing viability and overall profitability of a small scale farm. Classes were offered in the areas... Read More
Four beekeeping associations and three related businesses in western Kentucky collaborated with Extension Agents from Livingston, Lyon, Crittenden, MacCracken, and Marshal Counties to offer the 2017 F... Read More
Four beekeeping associations and three related businesses in western Kentucky collaborated with Extension Agents from five counties to offer the 2017 Fall Beekeepers School at the Marshall County Exte... Read More