Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2018Jul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018
Pollinators Matter
Author: Shad Baker
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
By now most people realize what an important role that pollinators play in our nation's food supply. While over a third of our food supply is dependent on bee pollination (estimated at $18-27 billion dollars), nearly 90% of our wild plants need them. Unfortunately, 25% of domesticated bee populations have been lost since 1990 and many wild and native bees are faring even worse. The rusty patch bumble bee was recently added to the endangered species list, and predictions are that it will not
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Outdoor Beekeeping Classroom
Author: Lori Bowling
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
In the spring of 2017 the Northeast Kentucky Beekeepers planned and designed an outdoor classroom areas to teach beekeeping with a hands on aspect. They set up six beehives, with one being a top bar hive and their first class was the installation of the package bees and nucs from a local source. This class allowed for beginning and intermediate beekeepers to see hands on the best way to install bees into a new hive for best results. Of those that participated in this prog
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Small Farms Series
Author: Matthew Chadwick
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping

This season Calloway County Extension office has offered a new series of classes centered around increasing viability and overall profitability of a small scale farm. Classes were offered in the areas of meat bird production, small flock laying hens, truck patch vegetable gardening, small ruminant management, vegetable crop management, and rearing chicks in fall. The last class of the series will be held on December 14th and will discuss marketing your product. This series has been very well rec
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Bee school
Author: Adam Barnes
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
Four beekeeping associations and three related businesses in western Kentucky collaborated with Extension Agents from Livingston, Lyon, Crittenden, MacCracken, and Marshal Counties to offer the 2017 Fall Beekeeper’s School at the Marshall County Extension Office. Program topics were organized into beginning and advanced tracks. Fifty-one people attended from seven counties in Kentucky and two in Illinois. Eight had not attended a bee school before. Topics included advanced and basic beekee
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2017 Fall Bee School
Author: Dee Heimgartner
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
Four beekeeping associations and three related businesses in western Kentucky collaborated with Extension Agents from five counties to offer the 2017 Fall Beekeeper’s School at the Marshall County Extension Office. Program topics were organized into beginning and advanced tracks. Fifty-one people attended from seven counties in Kentucky and two in Illinois. Eight had not attended a bee school before. Topics included advanced and basic beekeeping, basic equipment and top bar hives, value ad
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Beekeepers' Association Field Day
Author: Lawrence Caudle
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
The Powell County Beekeepers' Association is a group of beekeepers whose members skills vary greatly. Beekeeping itself is a very diversified industry, with no two producers doing the same thing alike. With multiple ways of reaching the same goal, the Powell County Beekeepers' Association wanted to learn more of each other's operations to learn different techniques to take bake to their operation. The Swangos of the Powell County Beekeepers' Association decided to host a field da
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Beekeepers Association Continues to Grow
Author: Keith Hackworth
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
Extension continues to support the Floyd County Beekeepers Association by offering programming, guidance, and assistance while promoting their efforts. The county continues to have increased interest in beekeeping and trying to preserve this tradition. Since the association officially formed two years ago, their membership has grown to forty-nine individuals with attendance at some of their monthly meetings reaching more than fifty. Topics covered at their meetings have been basic beekeeping ski
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Beekeepers on the Move
Author: Roger Mollette
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
The concern for the loss of honey bees in Kentucky prompted the Martin County Agriculture Advisory Council to organize a group of leaders to form the Martin County Beekeepers Association. The group is not only active in replenishing the honeybee population, but now have become very active in honeybee research.The end results of this research sponsored by NASA will not only affect the county but the state and nation as this information gathered will help discover the answer to the cause of
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Author: Deborah Stumbo
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
One of the successes of the Pike ANR is the Pike County Beekeepers. The Beekeepers Association has grown to 87 members in 2017. Some items they are really proud of is developing leadership to provide training on the regional level and becoming partners with state associations. Leadership provides training for the Southeast Bee School and the Northeast Bee School. Several beekeepers also, participating in a project with KDA & Perdue on Queen Rearing and one membe
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Bee Club
Author: Matthew Chadwick
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping

After being approached by a local bee keeper this past fall who was excited about sharing his knowledge of bees, I helped them to develop a new 4-H and adult club that focuses on educating families on bee keeping. This new group has met monthly since August and has continued to grow with each meeting. The combination of adults and youth in one meeting has allowed our volunteer to reach a wide range of our community. The group has made plans to build their own hive to place at the houses of the f
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Classes at Federal Prison
Author: Roger Mollette
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
The Big Sandy Federal Prison Administration requested assistance from the Martin County Extension Service to offer classes relating to beginning Beekeeping and gardening.The initial visit conducted by the Agent and President of the local beekeepers group consisted of selecting a site for the Bee Yard, as well as taking soil samples for the garden plot.The Small Farm Specialist from Kentucky State University was contacted to assist with beginning classes in beekeeping and gardening. The cla
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East KY Winter Beekeeping School
Author: Charles May
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
More than 160 participants attended the 2018 Eastern Kentucky Bee School that was held in Perry County. This school continues to grow each year with participants coming from three surrounding states. The event was sponsored by the Perry County Cooperative Extension Service and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. The Extension Service played a vital role in planning and conducting the school This one day event offered classes rang
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Swarm Catching
Author: Adam Barnes
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
One of Livingston’s newest bee keepers came by the office early this spring with concerns about one of his two hives. He had not gotten into either hive yet because of the fluctuating weather, but he had noticed that one hive had very little traffic coming and going even on warm days. With his lack of experience he did not know whether to go on and inspect the hive or wait. After hearing his concerns about his hives Livingston ANR sugge
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Nelson County Beekeepers
Author: Robert Smith
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
Beekeeping in Nelson County has been embraced by many in our community for generations. Some seek it as a hobby and some look at it as a viable way for additional on farm income. Either way the Nelson County Bee club can help you learn more about the art and science of keeping bees. In the fall of 2012 a group of interested beekeepers with varying backgrounds began talking about the formation of a bee club to help disseminate information and to learn from one another. In December of 2012 the fir
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Bee School
Author: Will Stallard
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
The Lincoln County Bee Keeper Association saw the need to host a bee school this spring. Beginning at the end of March through the beginning of May they hosted a Bee School. This program included educational session about honey bee biology, pests and diseases, medications and treatments, hive management, feeding and nutrition, early pest detection, apiary location, hive components, clothing, tools, hive inspection, installing bees, wintering your colony, swarm capture and queen marking
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Pollinator Programs
Author: Bonnie Sigmon
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
The decline of pollinators and domestic honey bees due several environmental, health and pesticide misuse has reached critical level. As news programs and social media reports continue to draw public attention to the crisis, the demand for extension programs about the topic have also increased. I have worked very closely with entomology experts and our local beekeepers association to address these issues at the Laurel County Extension Office. The Southeast Kentucky Beekeepers Associat
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2018 Eastern Bluegrass Bee School
Author: David Davis
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
Beekeeping is a great way to further diversify the farm, or homestead. Bees can be used to make a variety of products including honey, wax, and a variety of value added products such as soaps, lotions, and many others. These products can supply additional revenue streams to small farms or homesteads. Bees are also important for their role in pollinating various crops such as vegetables, flowers, fruit trees, and others. Several research studies have also indicated that pollinator insects, includ
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South East KY Beekeeping School
Author: Gregory Whitis
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping

South East Kentucky Bee School 2018Importance: McCreary County has over 75 beekeepers with over 550 hives. This was the ninth Bee School held between McCreary and Whitley County.Educational Programs: The South Eastern Bee Keeping School was held to assist bee keepers in South Eastern Kentucky and Tennessee with needed information to make their bee keeping efforts more successful. An all day program was held that offered 25 different educational classes that bee keepers could attend, from beginni
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Bee School
Author: Nicole Rhein
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping

Four beekeeping associations and three related businesses in western Kentucky collaborated with Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Agents from five counties to offer the 3rd Annual Bee School at the Marshall County Extension Office. Program topics were organized into beginning and advanced tracks. Fifty-one people attended from seven counties in Kentucky and two from Illinois. Eight had not attended a bee school before. Topics included advanced and basic beekeeping, basic equipment, top
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Greenup County Beekeepers
Author: Linda Hieneman
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
According to the USDA of Agriculture, one mouthful in three of the foods you eat directly or indirectly depends on pollination by honey bees. Honey bee populations have been declining in Kentucky over the past ten or more years. Education is key to helping protect honey bees as well as teaching beekeepers how to care for their hives. In 2017 the Greenup County Beekeepers Association was formed by a hand full of members. The main focus of the Associatio
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Washington County Beekeeping School
Author: James Morgeson
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
Beekeeping interest is at an all time high with Washington County being no different. The Washington County Beekeepers with the leadership of the club President David Donathan put together a one day school with two tracks one for beginning beekeepers and one for intermediate level beekeepers. Speakers included Dr. Thomas Webster from KSU, Dr. Tammy Potter from KDA, and many other local and regional beekeepers. A few of the topics included introduction to beekeeping, getting and insta
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Madison County Beekeeper's Association and 2018 Eastern Bluegrass Bee School
Author: Brandon Sears
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
Beekeeping is a way to potentially increase income sources on the farm, or homestead. A variety of products including honey, wax, and many value added products such as soaps, lotions, and others can be sold. Bees are also very important for their role in pollinating various crops such as vegetables, flowers, and fruit trees. Several research studies have also indicated that pollinator insects, including honey bees, have been on the decline. With associated opportunities and renewed eff
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Eastern Bluegrass Bee School
Author: Eric Baker
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
Beekeeping is a great way to further diversify the farm, or homestead. Bees can be used to make a variety of products including honey, wax, and a variety of value added products such as soaps, lotions, and many others. These products can supply additional revenue streams to small farms or homesteads. Bees are also important for their role in pollinating various crops such as vegetables, flowers, fruit trees, and others. Several research studies have also indicated that pollinator insects, includ
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bee keeping
Author: W Wilson
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
Leslie County is a county with very limited agriculture and one of the lowest job rates in the country. In a county filled with low income any income is a big boost. In 1917 we did a program on Bee keeping and Honey production. While it was a very well attended meeting, it produced several effects. First off, we have added several people to the ranks of the bee keepers. For example a new bee keeper came into my office earlier this year telling how a friend gave him a hive of bees free. His excit
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2018 Eastern Bluegrass Bee School
Author: Lawrence Caudle
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
Beekeeping is a great way to further diversify the farm, or homestead. Bees can be used to make a variety of products including honey, wax, and a variety of value added products such as soaps, lotions, and many others. These products can supply additional revenue streams to small farms or homesteads. Bees are also important for their role in pollinating various crops such as vegetables, flowers, fruit trees, and others. Several research studies have also indicated that pollinator insects, includ
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Author: Lindie Huffman
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
#BeecomingaBeekeeperThe world’s food supply comes mainly from 100 crops, 73 of which rely on honeybees for pollination, as stated by the United Nations Environment Program. Bee Keepers are tasked with managing the hives to ensure the success of crops, but face many challenges of successfully sustaining healthy colonies. In 2012, The Pendleton County Agriculture & Natural Resource Extension Agent, received her first phone call of a new bee keeper l
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