Success StorySet Your Sights to End Hunger in Boone County: Deer Donations Feed Local Families, Increase Road Safety and Decrease Crop Damage
Set Your Sights to End Hunger in Boone County: Deer Donations Feed Local Families, Increase Road Safety and Decrease Crop Damage
Author: Michelle Simon
Planning Unit: Campbell County CES
Major Program: Wildlife Habitat and Damage Management Education
Plan of Work: Improving Economics & Sustainability of Agriculture & Farm Management
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Boone County, Kentucky has a population of 133,581; 9.9% of which is considered food insecure and 7.11% considered at or below the poverty level for the state of Kentucky. Couple this with the Northern Kentucky Tribune statistic of being ranked the top third county in Kentucky for the likelihood of being in a motor vehicle accident caused by deer, ignited the idea for a deer donation program in the county. Boone County Agriculture Agent and Environmental Agent partnered with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife, UK’s Cook Wild program, Kentucky Hunters for the Hungry and Glier’s Meats to offer the Set Your Sights to End Hunger in Boone County program. Boone County ANR Agent worked to brand the program, market to local businesses and the community to encourage community members to participate, assisted with attaching Cook Wild recipes to the deer meat packages, and assisted with the delivery and drop-off of the deer meat to Boone County Master Provisions to be distributed to local, needy families. A total of 8 deer were donated to the program and processed by Glier’s Meats; these 8 deer totaled 217 packages or 434 pounds of meat and provided approximately 1,344 meals for families that are food insecure. One of the program participants posted on Boone County Extension Facebook page, “What would so many people do without this program. 450,000 meals a year in Kentucky and an estimated 4-5 million pounds of venison donated in the U.S. every year to feed the hungry. Not a penny of taxpayer money is used. All money comes from special funds donated through the hunters buying licenses and permits and the meat processors. I have always wanted to donate, every year I tell myself ‘if’ I harvest a third deer I would donate it. I never have gotten a third deer! Then while taking my second deer to the processors yesterday- something told me- Rob, donate this one…So I did, one deer will supply about 140 meals to someone in need. Bon Appetit my friends!” Additionally, this program encouraged hunters to harvest more deer than they normally would take which reduced the deer population that contribute to the motor vehicle accidents in Boone County. This in turn increased driver safety on Boone County roadways decreasing the 1 in 100 chance of a driver hitting a deer while travelling in the county. Since the deer population is the largest contributing factor to crop damage in Boone County as well, this reduction in the deer population also aided in the increase of crop yields which increased the profits and economic viability of forage, horticulture, grain and livestock operations in Boone County.
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