Success StoryYield Contest
Yield Contest
Author: Meagan Diss
Planning Unit: Union County CES
Major Program: Grains
Plan of Work: Grain Crops
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Union County is known not only for the quality of grain produced but also the quantity. Although 2020 has been anything but ordinary, farmers still had their crops to grow. As this was my first yield contest for the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, I wanted to grow involvement through the number of yield contest checks performed. Farmers started harvest for Union County in the early part of September and within a few days, yield contest entries were received. Being able to go out and supervise harvest provided an opportunity to meet with farmers during a time that is normally next to impossible. I was able to reach out and help with harvest problems, discuss options for wintering their fields, and see what needed to be done within the county before next season. Some farmers needed help sourcing dryers or storage facilities while others needed help with rust and pests. While I was able to provide some support in the field, it gave me the framework for what Union County really needs in terms of winter meetings and future programs. The yield contest also provided a chance to work with farmers that hadn’t been involved with University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension in a while and get their feedback on why they weren’t actively utilizing our services. Between fifteen and twenty yield contest checks have taken place thus far and while it may not be as many as neighboring counties, it is more than were conducted last year. All in all, I believe the yield contest is much more than a chance to see how Union County grain crops stack up to other Kentucky counties. It provides a time to meet with farmers during their busiest season and give framework to what the office will offer in the coming months. The feedback received from these visits has been invaluable and more farmers have committed to participating in the services University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension offers.
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