Success StoryOrgan Annie
Organ Annie
Author: Cindy Maggard
Planning Unit: Knott County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Each year the Knott County Extension Office offers nutrition education to elementary students in the county. Organwise Guys is a curriculum that is taught as part of the Nutrition Education Program (NEP) curriculum. Health class is not taught at this level so introducing Organ Annie gave students some insight on the organs inside our body. The NEP assistant partnered with the Knott County school system and took the Organ Annie doll into several classrooms in the county over a span of a couple months. Observations indicated that 75% did not know all the organs that Organ Annie had in her body. She spent the next few weeks going into the classrooms and teaching a lesson on each of the organs and what they do. During each lesson children got to sample a healthy snack. Lessons included: how the healthy snack benefited the organ that they were discussing that day. Physical activity reinforcements were also taught during each visit. One child said, “Do we really have all those inside our bodies?” They were all excited to see what organ would be next. By the time the lessons were concluded 100% knew and could recognize the heart, brain, bones and muscle. 75 percent could identify 5 of the organs. All children said they enjoyed each snack and the activity that went along with the lesson. 60 percent of the participants had never tried most of the tasting sample that was fixed. 75 percent of the children said they tried the snacks at home along with other healthy snacks.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment