Success StoryExtension Environmental Mentorship Yields Life Changing Results
Extension Environmental Mentorship Yields Life Changing Results
Author: DJ Scully
Planning Unit: Campbell County CES
Major Program: Water and Soil Quality and Conservation
Plan of Work: Environmental Management - Environmental Awareness, Education, and Action
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
I received a thank you letter from a recent Highlands High School (Fort Thomas, KY) graduate. I had the opportunity to mentor her by providing her with opportunities to improve the environment through volunteer cleanup events that I organize. She chose an Advanced Placement (AP) Research project on what motivates students to protect the environment and volunteer, in which I assisted her with the survey design and data analysis.
"DJ Scully,
Thank you for everything that you have helped me with over the past few years! I have enjoyed volunteering at the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event and the Ohio River Sweep. I have learned a lot about the environment, and I have cherished the experiences. I am also grateful for your assistance answering my questions for my AP Research project. Thank you for writing me a letter of recommendation as well. I am excited to be attending the United States Coast Guard Academy in the fall. Your mentorship has inspired me, and I will be majoring in Marine and Environmental Sciences.
Sarah Pearson – July 2020"
Stories by DJ Scully

The Development of a Backyard Composting Program
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Schools Return to the Campbell County Environmental Education Center
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Stories by Campbell County CES

The Development of a Backyard Composting Program
The Extension Service and Conservation District recently convened to address the issue of the emergi... Read More

Schools Return to the Campbell County Environmental Education Center
The COVID-19 pandemic affected schools abilities to take field trips to the Campbell County Environm... Read More
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment