Success StoryFood Preservation
Food Preservation
Author: Edith Lovett
Planning Unit: Pulaski County CES
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Plan of Work: Food Preparation
Outcome: Initial Outcome
“Food Preservation”
You can blame the COVID-19 Virus, the abundance of fresh vegetables available at the Farmers Market, or the empty food shelves at the grocery stores, but for some reason, pressure canner lids have been brought into the Extension Office daily to be checked out from people who are canning for the first time. Most of the Pressure Canners have been from owners whose parents, grandparents, or others who have given them the pressure canner years ago and have not been used.
Since the nineteenth century, canning has been one of the most common types of preservation techniques used in the households for preserving food. Several pressure canners that were more than 75 years old were brought in to have the dial gauge and other parts of the canner checked out. Another reason for using the older canners was because Pressure Canners were in such a demand local supplier could not fill the demand.
The “Home Canning Basics” from the University of Kentucky was gone over and given to each individual. Clients were also given publications on preserving other fruits and vegetables.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment