Success Story4-Her's Exploring Science, Engineering & Technology Gain Real Life Skills
4-Her's Exploring Science, Engineering & Technology Gain Real Life Skills
Author: Anna Meador
Planning Unit: Allen County CES
Major Program: 4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Development of Youth Lifeskills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
As one of the newest additions to the Allen County 4-H Program this program year, the 4-H S.E.T. (Science, Engineering, Technology) Club has brought a new fun twist to science and leadership in the form of hands-on-learning activities and team-lead groups.
Club Leader Elisabeth Mlinko brings her military and engineering skills to the club Photo above: SET Club members test out the capabilities of a variety of different robot sensors (light, color, sound, movement, etc.) to gain a better understanding of robotic and engineering design. with a wide variety of learning objectives geared towards exploratory learning, engineering and design, the scientific process as well as teamwork and leadership. This year, club members created LED Galaxy star circuits, bouncy balls, paper flinging catapults, gooey slime, robot color sensor maps, BristleBot mazes and many more science projects. Through these activities the youth learned about technological sensors and robotics, circuits and energy flow, matter and chemical reactions and an assortment of other key science concepts. The science, engineering and technology skills these youth gain from these projects are not only 4-H essential skills but are also incredibly applicable for real-life implementations through the use of their critical thinking, problem solving, application of learned subjects and teamwork.
Photo above: 4-H Member, Melody, shows off her completed LED light circuit before completing her artistic galaxy painting that will be bring her artwork and engineering together.
In a gracious grant from to our program from Tennessee Valley
Photo above: Club Leader, Elisabeth Mlinko, explains to this team how robots can incorporate colors to program desire robot action outcomes.
Robotics, Allen County 4-H received over $3,000 worth of equipment between two EV3 Lego Robotics Kits and two robotics program laptops. The SET Club has implemented robotics into each of their monthly lessons in an effort to increase youth understanding and comprehension of robotics. Allen County 4-H plans to have two teams of four members to compete at the 2021 4-H State Fair Robotics Challenge Contest. The teams will make use of the extra year (due to COVID-19 cancelled events) and further strengthen our robotics team through additional training and team practices.Stories by Anna Meador

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