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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

Success StoryNEA Creative Placemaking Grant project

NEA Creative Placemaking Grant project

Author: Anne Stephens

Planning Unit: Greenup County CES

Major Program: Community Design/Creative Placemaking

Plan of Work: Promoting Leadership, Civic Engagement, and Economic Development

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

As a UK Extension program affiliated with CEDIK, Greenup Arts’ programs: Breakfast With The Arts and All Eyes On Art are featured in the National Endowment for the Arts Toolkit project led by Dr. Jayoung Koo. The final product will be a research-based publication for Extension agents across the country who want to work in the area of arts and community development. A preliminary presentation was made at the NACDEP (National Association for Community Development Extension Professionals) Conference with plans to unveil the toolkit at next year’s conference.  

Because Arts Extension is not part of every county’s office, ideas and best practices from Kentucky’s program is welcomed by other states. It is the desire of Kentucky Arts Extension that our programming with become more recognized and accepted in our own state as well as other states in order to meet the mission of Extension which is to make a difference in the lives of Kentucky citizens through research-based education. 

Stories by Anne Stephens

Artisan Market Series

Artisan Market Series

about 5 years ago by Anne Stephens

One of the goals of the Greenup County Extension Service is to promote local artisans and support th... Read More

Lucy Rayburn Wood Memorial All-County Art Show

Lucy Rayburn Wood Memorial All-County Art Show

about 5 years ago by Anne Stephens

Greenup County school districts have strong art programs but lack connection with each other and wit... Read More

Stories by Greenup County CES

4-H Horse Program

4-H Horse Program

about 5 years ago by Christopher Boyd

There are necessary skills that all individuals need in order to be successful productive members of... Read More

4-H Teen Summit

4-H Teen Summit

about 5 years ago by Christopher Boyd

Univeresity of Kentucky : College of Agriculture, Food, and EnvironmentKentucky 4-H Summit 2019Dr. R... Read More