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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022

Success StoryNew Weekly Webcast Program: From the Woods Today

New Weekly Webcast Program: From the Woods Today

Author: Ellen Crocker

Planning Unit: Forestry

Major Program: Woodland Education

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Woodlands are extremely important to the economic and ecological wellbeing of Kentuckians. The state is 47% forested with over 12 million acres of woodlands and, collectively, the forest sector contributes over $13.5 billion annually to the state’s economy and impacts over 60,398 jobs.  The vast majority of woodlands in the state are family owned.  Supporting these woodland owners is key and Extension specialists and county agents across the state, partnering with agencies like Kentucky Division of Forestry, field a range of questions from the public and equip landowners to successfully manage their woods.  

Traditionally this has happened largely through in-person Extension programming and connections.   However, in light of COVID-19, we (the Forestry and Natural Resources Extension Team) developed a new weekly webcast program, From the Woods Today, to fill this gap and provide key information related to forestry and natural resources.  From the Woods Today is presented live via Zoom and Facebook, and available after through a new website ( The show has attracted over 6,200 views since beginning in April 2020, with a regular live weekly audience of ~50 including county agents, woodland owners, professionals, and youth across the state and beyond. After the publicly accessible show component, there is after-program specifically for county agents (who can receive KERS credit for joining) to address any additional concerns and discuss emerging issues.

Each week the From the Woods Today program features a range of presentations, with topics developed by consulting with county agents to address the greatest needs for landowners in their area.    Representing my focus area of forest health, I have delivered 8 presentations through this series including shows on invasive plants, woodland health, fungi, and tree threats as well as updates on timely issues like proper tree planting, frost damage and more. These presentations have increased the ability of viewers to recognize key tree health issues, identify common invasive plants and fungi, enact land management practices to promote woodland health, and engage appropriate forestry professionals about issues as they arise in the future.  

In just a short time, From the Woods Today has garnered praise for its high-quality programming, building on online community of fact-based information for agents, woodland owners and professionals across the state and enhancing public understanding of forestry and natural resources.

Stories by Ellen Crocker

2022- Growth of KY Forest Health YouTube Page

about 2 years ago by Ellen Crocker

Forests are central to Kentuckys economic and ecological wellbeing. The state is 47% forested with o... Read More

2022- Laurel Wilt Disease Trainings, Sept 2021

about 2 years ago by Ellen Crocker

Laurel wilt is a new invasive tree disease in Kentucky lethal to sassafras and spicebush. This disea... Read More

Stories by Forestry

Kentucky Maple Syrup Project

Kentucky Maple Syrup Project

about 2 years ago by Jacob Muller

Demand for maple syrup is high and growing. This interest and demand led to the University of Kentuc... Read More

Kentucky Maple Syrup Project

Kentucky Maple Syrup Project

about 2 years ago by William Thomas

Demand for maple syrup is high and growing. This interest and demand led to the University of Kentuc... Read More