Success StoryCovid-19 creates Virtual Camp
Covid-19 creates Virtual Camp
Author: Rebecca Stahler
Planning Unit: Boyd County CES
Major Program: 4-H Agriculture Core Curriculum AND Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Since the first case of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was diagnosed in December 2019, it has swept across the world and galvanized global action. This has brought unprecedented efforts to institute the practice of physical distancing (called in most cases “social distancing”) in countries all over the world, resulting in changes in national behavioral patterns and shutdowns of usual day-to-day functioning.
Boyd County Schools, businesses, churches and Cooperative Extension offices were not exempt from the state and federal mandates to try to slow the spread of Covid-19.
Virtual learning and experiences became the safest means of educating and collaborating.
The Boyd County 4-H Youth Development agent, Boyd 4-H Teen Council members and volunteers partnered with four local schools to offer a virtual camping experience to a total of 150 students in June 2020.
The following topics with instructional video and supplies were provided through the social media of a closed Facebook group:
Animal Science- Dogs: Their parts and smarts
Natural Resources- Geology Rocks!
Kool Aid Volcanoes
Owl Pellets
Family Consumer Science- All Tie Dyed Up! How to tie dye
Science Engineering and Technology- Balloon rockets
The Facebook group page was monitored throughout the camping week. There were a total of 1,342 positive comments about 4-H. This was the first time either the schools or Boyd County 4-H had conducted a virtual camp. Since the camp Boyd County 4-H has received 14 inquires of how to join more clubs in the fall.
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