Success StoryKnox 4-H shifts programming to meet clientele during pandemic
Knox 4-H shifts programming to meet clientele during pandemic
Author: Renata Farmer
Planning Unit: Knox County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Nurturing Families & Youth Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
With the onset and spread of COVID-19 throughout Kentucky and our county, the Knox County 4-H program moved swiftly to deliver our message and reach our clientele in a new way. After conversations with the Knox County 4-H Council, it was imperative to continue to reach youth with positive research-based programming and to do it remotely while continuing to be hands-on. The Knox County 4-H program responded by offering virtual programming and also project kits that contained current information on COVID-19, hand washing, youth development and more. As of now the Knox County 4-H program has given more than 1500 project kits to youth of our community. Along with research-based information, each kit included a project related to Agriculture & Natural Resources, Health, FCS, STEM, Communication & Expressive Arts, or Leadership. To evaluate our delivery and kit objectives, we issued a survey after six weeks in our program. The results were outstanding!
Of youth and families that received 4-H project kits:
- 46% of youth had attended 4-H clubs, projects and programs within the past two years.
- 54% of youth were new to 4-H programming
- 95% of youth and families would like more information on attending 4-H clubs, projects and programs in person
- 70% of families reported spending more quality time together in completing projects
- 64% of families reported that they prepared more foods together
- 68% of families reported that their child spent less time on electronics due to receiving the kits
- 68% of families reported that receiving the project kits gave their child something to look forward to in this time of uncertainty
- 62% of youth reporting received four or more of the 4-H project kits.
"These kits have been great! We have been able to do projects as a family while learning and developing our minds. We are thankful for Knox County 4-H and sta? for continuing these great projects," stated one parent.
Knox County 4-H plans to continue to deliver information and project kits to the youth and families in our county in the 2020-2021 program year.
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Knox 4-H shifts programming to meet clientele during pandemic
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