Success StoryPrograms-to-Go
Author: Madison McAlmond
Planning Unit: Nicholas County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Basic Life Skill Education
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Programming at the county level changed significantly due to the COVID-19 pandemic that took over in March of 2020. Youth and adults alike went from having various activities to attend, people to see and things to do to scratching their heads at home wondering what they can do to not only keep themselves busy and engaged, but keep the youth they now have at home active as well. During the first week of the shutdown Lindsay and I put our heads together to try to figure out what we can offer to the community that would give youth and adults fun activities but they could also continue learning and building new skills. We put out an initial post on our Extension Office Facebook page to see if we would have interest from the community and we reached 1,890 people and had 249 engagements with lots of interested adults and youth so we knew we had to do something! Every Friday we put together some sort of activity that could be placed outside of the office in a bag so the participants could safely gather all the items needed, we called these “Programs-to-Go”. For our 4-H’ers we tried to make all kits match a project that is eligible to be entered in the county or state fair. Projects are relatively simple and can be completed by all ages within the 4-H program age groups. For adults and families we had bags that included everything from healthy recipes to pedometers to make sure they are still being physically active. We had about 95 kits picked up from March-May. We asked for participants to send us pictures and feedback so we knew they were enjoying their projects and using them wisely. We have received positive feedback from adults and youth about how much they enjoyed them. Although we aren’t able to have the Nicholas County fair this year or State Fair for the youth to enter their projects they made, they had the opportunity to learn new skills and keep 4-H in their homes while we were unable to be.
Stories by Madison McAlmond

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Stories by Nicholas County CES

Tri County Food Preservation Workshop
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Programming at the county level changed significantly due to the COVID-19 pandemic that took over in... Read More
Stories by 4-H Youth Development Programming

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