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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022

Success StoryKentucky State University College of Agriculture, Food Science, and Sustainable Systems - Aquaculture Disease Diagnostic Laboratory July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 (Impact/Success Story)

Kentucky State University College of Agriculture, Food Science, and Sustainable Systems - Aquaculture Disease Diagnostic Laboratory July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 (Impact/Success Story)

Author: Robert Durborow

Planning Unit: KSU Aquaculture

Major Program: Aquaculture

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

2016-17 Success Story

Kentucky State University College of Agriculture, Food Science and Sustainable Systems - Aquaculture Disease Diagnostic Laboratory July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 (Impact/Success Story)

Aquaculturists must maintain the health of their fish and the quality of their water in order to make a profit. Fish health inspections are required before fish can be transported and sold across state lines (and sometimes even within certain states); a laboratory that can perform these inspections needs to be available to aquaculturists. The availability of this laboratory will allow diagnosis of fish for pathogens, water quality problems, and appropriate treatment. It is also important for the laboratory to be directed by a certified fish pathologist to do diagnostics and inspections. Also, having diagnostic capabilities available to university researchers and government fish & wildlife personnel is advantageous for maintaining researchers’ studies and for keeping fish populations healthy for fish & wildlife’s stocking efforts. Additionally, using such a laboratory as a forum for relaying best management practice information to clientele, including safer occupational health and safety on-farm practices is beneficial to the laboratory users.

During this impact period (July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017), 57 fish disease cases and 18 water quality testing cases were performed at the Kentucky State University College of Agriculture, Food Science and Sustainable Systems Aquaculture Division’s Fish Disease Diagnostic Laboratory. In addition, five (5) fish health inspections at the Diagnostic Lab were performed. Of the 57 disease cases diagnosed, 28 were from private growers and the others were from universities and other governmental agencies. While interacting with Diagnostic Lab clients, the State Extension Specialist for Aquaculture, Dr. Robert Durborow (American Fisheries Society Certified Fish Pathologist, #57) and Extension Associate, Kathryn Mitchell were able to share Best Management Practices, help clients to adopt practices that are economically and environmentally safe for farm owners, their families and employees. Also, a KSU, CAFSSS master’s graduate student, Ashmita Poudel collected Diagnostic Lab data on the Lab’s effectiveness in antibiotic susceptibility testing and resulting medicated feed treatment recommendations.

Diagnosing diseases and recommending appropriate treatments has an approximate value of $3000 per case to private fish producers. The 28 cases from private growers saved the aquaculture industry in Kentucky and surrounding states approximately $84,000.00. The non-private cases helped university researchers to successfully complete their research projects and helped state fish and wildlife agencies to successfully produce sufficient numbers of fish for stocking public waters.

Results of water quality samples submitted to the Laboratory helped farmers and pond owners know how to treat their bodies of water to maximize fish growth and survival and the prevention of aquatic weeds. Using an estimated value of $2000 per water quality case, the 18 cases would have a value of approximately $36,000.00. Additionally, the 5 fish health inspections (which are now routinely required for shipping live fish into many states) would ordinarily cost fish producers about $3000 each, saving Kentucky growers about $15,000.00. Immediate savings to Kentucky residents benefiting from these services (fish disease diagnostics, fish health inspections, and water quality testing) most likely was approximately $135,000.00. Clients also benefited economically from adopting Best Management Practices (e.g., stocking and feeding at recommended levels, and marketing to proper outlets). Also benefitting were the environment potentially affected by aquaculture practices and the safety record of the farming operation. Emphasis on farm health and safety will potentially improve the health, well-being, and quality of life of those working on the farm. It is also beneficial to the profitability of the farm: avoiding lost work time, unnecessary law suits, and time-consuming workers’ compensation issues. Diagnostic and treatment success analysis by KSU M.S. graduate student Ashmita Poudel is still underway, and a M.S. thesis will be written and published based on antibiotic susceptibility testing results found.  

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