Success Story4-H Camping Program
4-H Camping Program
Author: Christy Eastwood
Planning Unit: Carroll County CES
Major Program: 4-H Agriculture Core Curriculum AND Natural Resources
Plan of Work: 4-H Natural Resources
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Kentucky 4-H mission statement reads "4-H Youth Development Education creates opportunities and supportive environments for culturally diverse youth and adults to be capable, competent, and caring citizens". The Boone County 4-H program feels that one of the best ways to achieve this mission is with a strong residential camping program. This past July we had 420 campers, JC's, AC's, and staff attend 4-H camp. Twenty instructional classes were offered, covering a wide range of interests (capable). Campers were required, some for the first time, to clean up after themselves. They were responsible for all cleaning activities in the cabin, dining hall, bath houses, and around the grounds (competent). During their week at camp, campers are mixed and encouraged to make new friends. By the end of the week, everyone was supportive of each other and acting like thy had been friends for years (caring citizens). We are also able to use 4-H camp to promote other 4-H programs in the county.
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