Success StoryGrab & Go Bags Provide New Opportunities
Grab & Go Bags Provide New Opportunities
Author: Alissa Ackerman
Planning Unit: Clay County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic impacts, many individuals in Clay County have been unemployed and have learned to take on a new role of being a full-time “at-home teacher” for their children. With many businesses shutting down and limited resources in the county, numerous families have struggled at home with their mental health, accessing food, finances, and limited engagement with others. To alleviate stress and provide helpful, educational resources for children and families during this difficult time, Clay County Extension Agents and Snap-Ed Assistant collaborated with the local school lunch program and Save the Children to distribute grab and go bags for the community. The 4-H Agent also offered weekly grab and go bags specifically geared for youth.
The grab and go bags/kits contained educational resources related to gardening, nutrition, SET, physical activity, and natural resources. Each bag offered an at-home activity for youth and families to complete along with other helpful resources that related to the topic. A total of 465 bags were distributed to approximately 227 youth and families. This opportunity gave youth a chance to learn a new skill, boost mental and physical health and gain self-confidence.
Comments pertaining to grab and go bags/kits:
“I made a new recipe I had never tried before.”
“I am more interested in learning how to garden.”
“I have a better appreciation for the outdoors.”
Stories by Alissa Ackerman

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Grab & Go Bags Provide New Opportunities
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic impacts, many individuals in Clay County have been unemployed and have ... Read More
Stories by Clay County CES

Kentucky Volunteer Forum
Volunteers play integral roles in 4-H programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks... Read More

Grab & Go Bags Provide New Opportunities
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic impacts, many individuals in Clay County have been unemployed and have ... Read More
Stories by 4-H Youth Development Programming

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