Author: Brenda Williams
Planning Unit: KSU Administration
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Brenda Williams
Kentucky State University SNAP-Ed
FY18 First Quarter Impact Statement
Montgomery County
There is a life skills crisis in today’s younger adults. The conveniences of today’s world has given us a generation that didn’t learn basic life skills such as cooking and budgeting. I am currently partnering with Wayne Ross, director of Shephard’s Shelter, to offer the Healthy Choices for Everybody curriculum to the facility resident’s. These young adults (as a majority) come from single parent homes where cooking, cleaning, and managing money were never taught. Today, these young men and women are not prepared to take care of their families because they never learned how to do these things. The focus of the curriculum is to equip these adults to leave treatment with an ability to successfully budget for their needs, grocery shop, and safely prepare a healthy meal for their families. Each class has a lesson and hands on cooking demonstration. After only a few sessions, I have been told by the staff that the residents are asking to adjust their menu’s to use healthier ingredients and that they seem to be empowered with their new skill level. The men in my class are thankful for the opportunity to learn and I know we are impacting their lives.
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