Success StoryYouth Develop Skills
Youth Develop Skills
Author: Amy Branstetter
Planning Unit: Metcalfe County CES
Major Program: 4-H Agriculture Core Curriculum AND Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Leadership and Communications
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Metcalfe Blasting Barrels 4-H Shooting Sports Club provides youth an opportunity to develop physically and mentally. Youth have personal goals for proper use of equipment and improving accuracy. They practice safety, and promote safety in our community. One Metcalfe County 4-H Certified Volunteer shared, he is amazed of how the youth have grown and become better shooters in a short time! He added “Safety is our top priority but its icing on the cake when our youth can win trophies!” Metcalfe County had several youth that placed in the top 10 at the State Contest. Metcalfe County 22 Pistol Team was 2nd. The Shotgun team was 3rd. The Metcalfe County Shooting Sports Club has been operating for four years. This year, the over 30 youth participants continue to support each other as they work to improve their shooting scores and prepare for county, area and state competitions. This year, the Metcalfe County 4-H Shooting Sports Clubs to increase skill development in the youth and continue to develop competent leaders and coaches..
Members indicated that as a result of their involvement in the Metcalfe County Blasting Barrels 4-H Shooting Sports Club:
98% of participants increased their knowledge of shooting safety.
98% increased their ability and increased their ability to increase their score through practice and coaching.
92% increased their ability to work with others.
94% indicated that as a result of their participation in 4-H they feel that they have a connection with adults who care about them and are interested in their success.
91% indicated that they use skills they have learned in 4-H in other activities at home, school or in their community.
Metcalfe County 4-H Blasting Barrels Shooting Sports Club members were asked what 4-H Shooting Sports meant to them, they responded with: "This program has truly helped me focus and helped me become a leader in my club, school and community,” I have been involved in 4-H Shooting Sports for 4 years. This has taught me a lot about firearm safety." "I have made lifelong friendships and gained a sense of self confidence. I have grown to be a better sportsman and 4-H'er. These are skill I can use the rest of my life.
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