Success StoryLifelong Learning
Lifelong Learning
Author: Diana Doggett
Planning Unit: Fayette County CES
Major Program: Embracing Life as We Age (general)
Plan of Work: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices and Citizen Education
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Of the total population in Fayette County, 20% of citizens are projected to be 65+ years by 2025. Kentucky’s senior adult population will nearly triple with the largest increase among those over 85 years of age (US Census). To assist seniors in their quest to remain healthy, vital and independent, Fayette Cooperative Extension Family and Consumer Sciences partner with LFUCG Social Services, BGADD, UK Public Health and local care providers and volunteers to provide conference for seniors at the Fayette County Extension Center. Lexington Mayor Linda Gorton challenged 135 participants, ranging in age of 57-94 to access and utilize Extension and local agency resources. 93% attendees were motivated to action by Judge Pamela Goodwin with keynote presentation, Overcoming Life’s Obstacles. Four additional workshops pertaining nutrition, estate planning, physical activity and medication provided cutting edge information and resource assistance. Attendee surveys showed that 60% gained new knowledge and 40% reinforced existing knowledge. Follow-up evaluation indicating usage of program information: 66%, prescription medications information; 85%, practical cooking preparation; 68%, creative ways to stay active; 92%, estate planning; and 96% importance of staying positive. Attendee data: 79% Caucasian; 20% African American; 1% Asian; 30% SnapEd recipients. Thirty exhibits relating to senior health and activity provided a network for participants as well as service providers. The concept of health promotion has become a legitimate part of health care and longitudinal studies have shown that health promotion activities extend the number of years of health in older people. Senior based Extension programming provides opportunities to improve or maintain health, volunteer, mentor, stay curious and involved, as well as commit to lifelong learning.
"I am in charge of the retiree/senior ministry at my church so I will be sharing the information and resources." I will contact my lawyer immediately to establish a better estate plan." I will revise my will." I will update my will and use cooking and snack ideas." "Definitely relaying this info to my parents."
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Stories by Embracing Life as We Age (general)
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