Success StorySedge weed control in Pasture fields

Sedge weed control in Pasture fields

Author: Jerry Little

Planning Unit: Boyle County CES

Major Program: Forages

Plan of Work: Home Resource, Financial Business, and Farm Management Education

Outcome: Initial Outcome

A farmer had the agent come out and evaluate a large pasture field for a weed problem that had been getting worse over the last two years. It was a sedge that was scattered all over the field. I contacted the U.K. weed specialist and he made a farm visit in July and determined that the sedge was getting out of hand and he wanted to spray a demonstration plot with herbicides.We sprayed a replicated plot in the field and evaluated the plot twice in 2019. August, and again in September. We went back in April of 2020 and looked at the plots again. As a result of the demonstration the farmer will be able to use a roundup product instead of the more expensive herbicide that was looked at in the plot.

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