Success StoryExtension Offers Grab and Go Kits for Parent/Child Interaction
Extension Offers Grab and Go Kits for Parent/Child Interaction
Author: Lee Ann McCuiston
Planning Unit: Todd County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Empowering Youth to Succeed
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Studies have shown links between quality parent time — such as reading to a child, sharing meals, talking with them or otherwise engaging with them on one-on-one activities results in positive outcomes for kids. The same is true for parents’ warmth and sensitivity toward their children. Child development and pediatrics experts agree that even short spurts of creative time greatly impact social, cognitive, and emotional development of children in their earliest formal years and create long-lasting memories.
The Covid-19 pandemic presented a challenge for Extension programs all over the nation and Todd County Extension answererd the call by providing Educational and fun grab and go packets each week to families. These packets were geard for the parent and child to work together and eat together at home which helped build this quality time and interaction where the parent was the teacher and the role model.
The Todd County Extension Office -4-H agent, FCS Agent, AG Agent and NEP assistant teamed up to offer the following grab and go kits for 3 months while Kentuckians were staying "Healthy at Home": Summer Fun, tomato gardening, fish and farm, money smarts, side walk chalk art and seed starting. Each packet contained an arts and craft element, family games & activities, meal ideas, healthy recipes,and more.
Over the past 3 months of handing out these packets, 57 different families picked up packets. Additionally, the sidewalk chalk packets went out through the school food distribution bus route giving 700 kids a healthy and outdooor option to do at home. Additionally, 70 money smarts packets went through the bus route to lower income youth of Todd County in the Guthrie community. In total, the Extension office distributed over 1000 Grab and Go educational packets to Todd County youth and families. Of these families, many were new to Extension. Facebook was used to market the packets and to share successes from families using the packets. Many shared photos of seeds growing, kids creating art with sidewalk chalk, dancing with dance ribbons, cooking new recipes and playing cards together as a family.
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Extension Offers Grab and Go Kits for Parent/Child Interaction
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