Success StoryHarrison County Showcase
Harrison County Showcase
Author: Jessica Barnes
Planning Unit: Harrison County CES
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Plan of Work: Community Engagement and Economic Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Harrison County has a unique farm that was setup in a trust by Agnus McDowell to be used by young farmers in Harrison County in order to help them get started in the agriculture industry. This farm has 5 different tracts of land each containing around 180 acres for the young farmers to operate how they see fit. The trust helps with expenses and lets the farmers use their tract rent free with just a small portion of the proceeds coming back to the farm. This past fall USDA's Deputy Administrator, Peggy Browne, found out about this farm and wanted to come for a visit to talk with the producers and see their operations.
The Harrison County Extension Office in partnership with the Harrison County Farm Service Agency and the McDowell Trust farmers planned a Showcase event for Ms. Peggy Browne. I was able to talk about agriculture in Harrison County and discuss issues we were facing with the industrial hemp industry. The young farmers each presented about their own operations on the McDowell farm and was able to bring up issues they were facing as young beginning farmers. This allowed the young farmers to grow in their confidence in presenting and public speaking as well as gave them an opportunity to talk with someone that was willing to listen and has the ability to get their comments where it matters most. Ms. Browne also presented to the group about things the USDA was doing to help farmers in the Eastern United States which sometimes gets left out of programs because we are not in the "Grain Belt" or considered in the ranching area of the US, however, KY has the most cattle east of the Mississippi.
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