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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024



Author: Lloyd Saylor

Planning Unit: Butler County CES

Major Program: 4-H Leadership Core Curriculum

Plan of Work: 4-H Leadership

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome


Success and Disappointment.

History Agriculture and Leadership.  This grew out of the old 4-H American Heritage program.  We wanted to regain that experience for our 4-Hers.  The first few times we did this event every 4 or 5 years.  But due to outstanding participation, we have expanded it every year. 2018, 17 participants, 2019 15. This year, was both a success and a failure. Our 4-H Teen Council has been extremely active. Most have participated in the HAL experience.  They wanted something more.

After discussing it for a while, 2 years ago our 4-H Teen Council decided to take a trip to NY City.  We outlined a trip, put in cost estimates, and decided to keep the cost at $600 per youth, we would need to raise $15,000.00. The 4-Hers got busy.  They catered meals for the Stockmans association, the Historical Society, and Rural Development Clubs, They wrote, printed and sold cook books, community yard sales, donuts, their final 2 had to be cancelled due to Covid. A Mystery Dinner Theater, and a Clovers and Quartets.  But they made their financial goal.

We scheduled the trip for the last week of June 2020. We all know that the Coid epidemic resulted in postponing the trip for at least a year. We were able to get all our deposits and prepayments refunded.  The schedule had a stop in Philadelphia, see the Liberty Bell, Franklin Science Museum, Dinner and a private tour of Independence Hall with the Chautauqua re-enactors.  On to NYC, all the usual places, Statue of Liberty, WTC, a Broadway Play etc.

The purpose of this trip was to educate our youth.  The trip is delayed.  But our 4-Hers, learned an immense amount from organizing all those fundraisers.   They learned to plan, evaluate cost and risks, to set a goal and work 2 years for that goal.  Finally they learned that sometimes you can do everything within your power, and it still doesn’t work out.

It was a big disappointment. Some 4-Hers will be gone next year, 2 will be in the military, some at college etc.   Hopefully most of the recent graduates will be able to attend next year.

Stories by Lloyd Saylor

Teen Conference and State officer

about 7 months ago by Lloyd Saylor

Teen Conference 2024Success StoryThe 100th Annual Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference took place at the Uni... Read More

Communication life skills

about 7 months ago by Lloyd Saylor

Communications. All human interactions require communications. 4-H places a high priority on communi... Read More

Stories by Butler County CES

Teen Conference and State officer

about 7 months ago by Lloyd Saylor

Teen Conference 2024Success StoryThe 100th Annual Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference took place at the Uni... Read More

Communication life skills

about 7 months ago by Lloyd Saylor

Communications. All human interactions require communications. 4-H places a high priority on communi... Read More