Success StoryRe-Focus
Author: Patrice Thompson
Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Educating, & empowering individuals & families to make responsible choices & develop lifeskills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
As the school year ended suddenly and summer approached, we have had to adjust our programming and re-focus our efforts in reaching our audiences to an alternative source. During this time of re-focus, I have kept in contact with my direct contacts which include various school and community leaders. This has been important because the online programming that is offered is being directly communicated by those stakeholders to our target audience through email and newsletter. The online programming consists of 4-H At Home, 4-H On The Go, and 4-H Live Wednesdays. All three components offer online programming and self guided STEAM through google classroom as well as zoom that individuals and/or families can participate in. Most of our programs are STEAM related but we have also included nutrition and home economics. Participation in and completion of these program, are helping participants and families stay academically centered and sharp during these uncertain times. Being that education is our number one priority and fun second, we have received feedback through comments on our google classrooms account from parents who are participating in activities with their children, such as virtual park tours. We have had indirect engagement from over 50 individuals as well as direct engagement from over 100 participants and school leaders throughout the program. Going forward, utilizing social media will be an asset as most kids today use social media in some way. Our strong presence in that arena will aid us in contacting participants, future participants, and parents. This will help expand the knowledge of KSU 4-H in our county and allow opportunities to create new partnerships within our community.
Stories by Patrice Thompson
As the school year ended suddenly and summer approached, we have had to adjust our programming and r... Read More
Growing Collaborations
In February, the KSU team attended the Jefferson County FRYSC Meeting. This is a monthly meeting tha... Read More
Stories by Jefferson County CES

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Stories by 4-H Youth Development Programming

Responce to Covid
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