Success StorySenior Scholarship Night Showcases Over $279,000
Senior Scholarship Night Showcases Over $279,000
Author: Mackenzie Pogue
Planning Unit: Muhlenberg County CES
Major Program: Community Engagement
Plan of Work: Providing Positive Youth Development Experience
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The National Center for Educational Statistics states a family with an income between $30-48K on average pay $17,302 for their child to attend a Kentucky Public College. In Muhlenberg County, the average annual family income is $43,722. In 2019, the population was noted at 30,774, 6.7% of which were on unemployment . Achieving higher education is a dream for many of the youth in Muhlenberg. Paying for higher education is often a nightmare for youth. If parents are financially unable to pay for their child’s college education, the burden of student loads falls to the youth. The Muhlenberg County Extension Office, partnered with the Muhlenberg County Chamber of Commerce, to provide youth a night to explore the scholarships available to them at our third annual Scholarship Night Event. In 2018, over $25,000 were accessible at the event. This year, we far surpassed our goal, and landed at $279,600 accessible the night of the event. Representatives from local business, organizations, individuals with memorial scholarships, representatives from colleges, trades and more were present at the event. Local high school seniors were able to mingle and ask direct questions regarding the available scholarships. Representatives shared positive feedback stating a specific increase in local youth applying since the start of this event. In addition, both youth and parents show appreciation of the opportunity. The event is hosted onsite, at the high school, at the end of the school day. This adds an extra convenience to youth that may have transportation issues, after school activities, or jobs. One participant stated, “ It was a pleasure getting to speak directly to the seniors and parents about our available scholarship”.
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