Success StoryUndergraduate Argentina Agribusiness Expirence
Undergraduate Argentina Agribusiness Expirence
Author: Clinton Hardy
Planning Unit: Daviess County CES
Major Program: Youth Engagement Leadership Program (YELP)
Plan of Work: Increasing Agriculture and Local Food Awareness
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Daviess County Extension Agent for Agriculture participated in a unique youth engagement program that provided an opportunity to reach young adult students of UK. The responsibility was to convey first hand knowledge of production agriculture in Kentucky as it relates to international trade. The College of Agriculture, Food and Environment conducted the Argentina Agribusiness Experience this past spring semester of which I served as a co-instructor, attending each of the scheduled class sessions with plans to take students on a two week learning journey experience to Argentina. My concentration was to convey an awareness of domestic agricultural production policy and economics as it relates to competitive advantage and international trade. Argentina has become a world leading exporter of soybeans despite farms operating within strict government ruling within the confines of hyper inflation and high percentage taxation without representation. Our goal for this process was to enlighten young adults moving into the agricultural industry upon graduation with an appreciation and understanding for how farms function in South America. Asset control, not ownership is the model adopted by the largest producers in that county as a method to offset uncertainty and risk association with both government interaction, or complete lack of involvement. Despite the learning journey being cancelled due to covid-19 the students indicated they obtained a greater understanding of grain farming hardship in Argentina and were able to connect how our trade policy influences our competitive advantage with South America.
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