Success Story4-H Impacts Individuals
4-H Impacts Individuals
Author: Esther "Susan" Turner
Planning Unit: Monroe County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: LIfe Skills Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Through 4-H, the Monroe County Cooperative Extension Service has the opportunity to make a positive impact in the lives of its members. Working with youth as they grow through the program provides a unique perspective of how the activities, events, projects and program have helped to develop life skills. One 4-H member shares her experience as follows: Having been a 4-H member for eleven years, I have served as my club president and secretary/treasurer. I have had the opportunity to meet new people from across the state from my membership in 4-H and I have gained invaluable life and leadership skills after I was selected as a member of the Kentucky 4-H Teen Council. In my county, I have grown up watching my mother serve as a 4-H club leader. Through this experience, I learned how to work with people to accomplish a goal, the importance of team work, and most importantly to always follow through with your commitments to the best of your ability. I have also gained valuable communication skills and have learned how to express myself and my ideas more clearly. 4-H has made a positive difference in my life.
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