Success StoryForage Improvements

Forage Improvements

Author: Ted Johnson

Planning Unit: Lee County CES

Major Program: Forages

Plan of Work: Beef Production

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Quality forages are a major part of a beef cattle operation. The more day’s beef cattle are allowed to graze in a given year the more potential profit a beef operation may have. We at the Lee County Extension Service have been working with a group of beef producers for around four years on increasing their grazing days. We have educated these producers on stocking rates, stockpiling, soil fertility, water supply, rotational grazing, forage varieties, and etc. These three producers have reduced the total number of cattle they were producing by around 20 percent, and increased their profits by 10 percent each of the last two years. This program resulted in around $1,200.00 per farm more net income each year, totaling around $3,600.00 profit for the three producers involved. 

Stories by Ted Johnson


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